As an experienced Ruby developer, arrays are one of the data structures I use most frequently. The ability to store ordered, index-accessible values in a single object provides enormous utility across so many programs.

Over the years, I‘ve leveraged arrays for everything from configuring web frameworks, to processing scraper results, to machine learning matrix operations. Given how versatile arrays are, efficiently appending, prepending, and inserting elements is an essential skill.

In this comprehensive guide, I‘ll share my top techniques for array element addition in Ruby. These are methods I employ daily in my own projects. My goal is to provide expanded explanations from an expert perspective – both when and why certain approaches are optimal.

We‘ll cover:

  • Array creation basics
  • Appending elements
  • Prepending elements
  • Inserting elements at specific indexes
  • Concatenating arrays
  • Duplicating arrays
  • Initializing arrays with default values

Understanding these insertion techniques fully will give you dexterity in tailoring Ruby arrays to your dynamic needs. Let‘s get started!

Creating Arrays in Ruby

Before appending or otherwise manipulating, we first need an array variable to work with.

Here is the most common way I instantiate arrays in Ruby:

my_array = [1, 2, 3]

The square bracket syntax also lets you create empty arrays:

empty_array = [] 

I also frequently use to initialize arrays. The bare version with no arguments generates an empty array:

new_array =

You can optionally pass an integer size parameter to pre-allocate slots. This inserts nil padding by default:

sized_array = # [nil, nil, nil, nil, nil]

I leverage this technique when I know I‘ll be appending a certain number of elements eventually. It‘s faster than dynamically growing the array with each insertion.

So that covers the basics of getting started. Now let‘s explore the methods for actually adding elements!

Appending Array Elements in Ruby

1. The Shovel Operator (<<)

My favourite way to append elements in Ruby is the shovel operator:

fruits = ["Apple", "Banana", "Orange"]

fruits << "Mango" << "Strawberry" 

print fruits
# ["Apple", "Banana", "Orange", "Mango", "Strawberry"]

The shovel syntax pushes the specified values onto the end of the array. I appreciate the cleanliness here – I can read this code easily.

You may also see the Array#push method used, but it has the exact same effect:


I almost exclusively use shovels over .push for appending elements. Shovels help keep my code compact and readable, especially when chaining appends:

dataset << result1 << result2 << result3

So for pure appends, the shovel operator is my top choice.

2. The Concatenation Operator (+)

When my append involves combining array variables rather than discrete values, I leverage the concatenation operator:

array1 = [1, 2, 3]
array2 = [4, 5, 6]

combined = array1 + array2 

print combined
# [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]

You can also use .concat here, but I prefer the shorthand + symbol again.

The key distinction vs shovels is concatenation merges two existing arrays, while shovel adds individual elements.

One common pattern I use is to build up an array over time, then concat it to a master dataset:

results = []
results += process_result1 
results += process_result2
# ...

master_dataset += results

So + gives me that flexible "add an entire array" behavior on top of shovels.

3. The Repetition Operator (*)

Occasionally, I want to duplicate an existing array to append. Rather than a messy loop, I use the * repetition operator:

base_array = [1, 2, 3]

augmented = base_array * 3  

print augmented 
# [1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3] 

This expands base_array into three copies concatenated together.

I also leverage this technique when I have multiple arrays to combine in repeated groups. For example:

group_a = [1, 2]  
group_b = [3, 4]

arr = group_a * 2 + group_b * 3

puts arr
# [1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 4, 3, 4]

This interleaves 2 copies of A and 3 copies of B.

So array repetition is ideal for duplicated combinations on the fly. The * operator handles the heavy lifting!

4. Initializing Arrays with Default Values

While working on machine learning pipelines, I often need to initialize very large arrays (50,000+ elements).

Rather than explicitly assigning every index, I use with a default sizing and value:

large_array =, 0)

This creates an array with 50000 elements, prefilled to the number 0.

I can then work with this like a matrix without worrying about nil values:

large_array[23] # 0

large_array[23] = 5 

large_array[23] # 5

So for heavyweight math usage, default array initialization saves tons of hassle. I can add elements just like a normal array after creation.

Overall for appending, shovels and concatenation cover 95% of use cases. But I break out the special operators like * and default values when I need serious bulk or pre-allocation capabilities.

Now let‘s look at prepending items rather than appending.

Prepending Array Elements in Ruby

While less common than appends, I also often need to add elements to the start rather than end of my arrays. For this, I use Array#unshift.

1. Array#unshift

unshift works just like .push, but in reverse – prepend instead of append:

stack = [3, 4, 5]


print stack
# [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]  

I can chain these just like shovels to quickly build up prepending:


When would I use unshift instead of shovels? Anywhere I specifically need the first rather than last element modified, such as:

  • LIFO data structures
  • Modeling object horizons
  • Temporal sequences
  • Reverse chronology listings

For example, to maintain a window of the last 5 chat messages:

recent_messages = [] 

# ...


recent_messages = recent_messages.first(5) # Keep last 5

Prepending pairs naturally with stack/queue data workflows.

So for start-of-array rather than end, unshift is the right tool!

Inserting Array Elements at Specific Indexes

While appending and prepending cover straightforward "add to end/beginning" cases, sometimes I need precise insertion at any index.

For example, say I‘m producing an ordered spreadsheet row by row, but realize I missed one in the middle.

For this, I reach for Array#insert:

1. Array#insert

insert gives you explicit index control over placement:

rows = [1, 3, 5]

rows.insert(1, 2)  

print rows
# [1, 2, 3, 5] 

It accepts the index as arg1 and value as arg2:

Some key behaviors around insert:

  • Can insert at the end via negative index counting from the rear
  • Inserting into existing elements shifts them higher
  • Nil padding occurs if index jumps are too big


rows.insert(-1, 4)
print rows 
# [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]  

rows.insert(10, 6)
print rows
# [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, 6]

So I leverage insert for precise additions mid-array, particularly with ordered sequences.

The control over index placement makes my intent very clear. I find .insert more explicit than approaches like ary[index] = value.

Between append, prepend, and insert – I have full flexibility on injecting elements relative to any other existing entries.

Now let‘s explore concatenation techniques for combining entire array objects.

Concatenating Arrays in Ruby

When appending elements earlier, we looked at the array concatenation operator:

arr1 = [1, 2] + [3, 4] # [1, 2, 3, 4]

This syntax works for variables too:

a = [1, 2]
b = [3, 4]

c = a + b

However, there are a few more approaches to concatenation worth covering…

1. Concatenation Assignment Operators

I frequently chain array assignments using concatenation operators:

results = []
results += process_result1
results += process_result2
results += process_result3

You can use either += or << here. I tend to favor << for chaining since it matches the shovel syntax:

all_rows = []
all_rows << row1 << row2 << row3 

When I have an empty buffer array I want to build up, this approach reads smoothly like Append Row 1, Append Row 2, etc.

Just be aware << mutates the caller array rather than returning a new combined array like +.

2. The Array#concat Method

If you need an explicit array merge method rather than operators, .concat works identically:

arr1 = [1, 2]
arr2 = [3, 4]

print arr1 
# [1, 2, 3, 4]

I lean on .concat occasionally when I want to communicate intent more overtly. For example, with method chaining:

clean_rows = dirty_rows.concat(new_rows).omit_blanks # ...

Overall, + and <<= cover most of my concatenation use cases due to their compactness. But .concat offers more clarity as an explicit verb when needed.

Now let‘s revisit an earlier technique for duplicating arrays – the repetition operator (*).

Duplicating Arrays in Ruby

We touched on the * operator earlier for appending multiple copies of an array:

base = [1, 2]
result = base * 3 
print result
# [1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2]

This provides an easy way to duplicate an array by a certain multiplier.

Under the hood, this works via repeated concatenation. So it‘s equivalent to:

base = [1, 2]
result = base + base + base  

Some examples of using repetition for more complex combinations:

group_a = [1, 2]
group_b = [3, 4]

result = group_a * 2 + group_b * 3  

print result
# [1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 4, 3, 4]

The ability to fine tune the duplication amount of each unit makes * very expressive.

Repetition becomes especially concise when dealing with nested sub-arrays:

rows = [[1, 2], [3, 4]] 

report = rows * 15

So in summary, * helps me avoid manual loops when I want to bulk up arrays. Abstracting the duplication logic into a clean operator helps keep my code legible.

Final Thoughts on Ruby Array Addition

Hopefully this guide has given you an expert Ruby developer‘s overview of the key techniques for array element addition, including:

  • Shovel operator (<<) – Great for readable append chaining
  • Concatenation (+) – Combining array variables
  • Repetition (*) – Duplicating arrays with ease
  • Unshift – Prepending items LIFO style
  • Insert – Precise index element insertion

I utilize arrays extensively within my Ruby code to structure data of all types. Whether dealing with web scrape results, machine learning matrices, or configuration blocks – being able to crisply append, prepend, and insert elements is critical.

The methods here give you wide flexibility:

  • Grow arrays linearly with shovel chaining
  • Merge entire array objects through concatenation
  • Bulk up arrays through repetition
  • Front-load arrays with unshift
  • Surgically insert elements at key indexes

Understanding these tools thoroughly helps reduce grunt work while writing cleaner code. You can focus on logic rather than manual incrementing.

So next time you‘re iterating on an array-backed feature, leverage these techniques to build up your data concisely. Thanks for reading and happy Ruby coding!

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