Appending strings is a common task in JavaScript programming. Whether you‘re concatenating names, building URLs, or formatting output, you‘ll likely need to append strings at some point.

In this comprehensive guide, we‘ll cover the main methods to append strings in JavaScript:

  • The += Operator
  • The concat() Method
  • The push() Method
  • Template Literals
  • The join() Method

We‘ll look at code examples for each approach and discuss the pros and cons. By the end, you‘ll know multiple techniques to tackle string appending in your projects.

Why Append Strings in JavaScript?

Here are some common reasons you may need to append strings:

  • Building strings dynamically: You often won‘t know the exact text of a string ahead of time. By appending strings, you can programmatically build strings.

  • Concatenating values: You may have string values in separate variables that need to be joined together. Appending allows you to combine them.

  • Formatting output: When outputting text, you‘ll often append strings to create properly formatted messages.

  • Assembling data: You can build strings by appending data from various sources, like databases.

Understanding the use cases will help you recognize opportunities to leverage string appending.

Method 1: The += Operator

One of the easiest ways to append strings is with the += operator.

Here is the syntax:

string1 += string2; 

This takes the value of string1, appends string2 to it, and stores the result back in string1.

For example:

let str = "Hello";
str += " World!";

console.log(str); // "Hello World!"

The += operator works by:

  1. Resolving string1 to its current value
  2. Converting both sides to strings if needed
  3. Appending string2
  4. Saving the concatenated string back into string1

You can also chain together appends:

let str = "Hello";
str += " World!";
str += " Have a nice day."  

console.log(str); // "Hello World! Have a nice day."


  • Simple syntax
  • Can quickly chain appends


  • Only works when appending to existing variable
  • Can cause confusing code if overused

Overall, += is great for quick string building. But alternatives like concat may be better for complex logic.

Method 2: The concat() Method

Another method is concat(). This can append strings just like +=, with some key advantages.

Here is the syntax:

let string3 = string1.concat(string2);

This combines string1 and string2 together into string3.

For example:

let str1 = "Hello"; 
let str2 = "World!";

let str3 = str1.concat(" ", str2);

console.log(str3); // "Hello World!" 


  • Returns new string rather than modifying in-place
  • Accepts multiple arguments
  • Works on strings and arrays


  • Slightly more verbose syntax

The main perk of concat() is it does not modify the original string variables. This leads to less surprises in your code.

You also get more flexibility by being able to pass multiple append strings instead of just one.

Method 3: The push() Method

You can also append strings using array methods like push(). The steps are:

  1. Split string into array
  2. Push additional strings
  3. Join back to string

Here is an example:

let str = "Hello";

// Split into array  
let arr = str.split(""); 

// Append string   

// Make string
str = arr.join(""); 

console.log(str); // "HelloWorld!"

Splitting, pushing, and joining may seem excessive at first. But the advantage is you can manipulate the array contents before joining.

For example, you could sort, filter, or map on the strings array before appending. With += and concat() that is difficult to achieve.

So keep this technique in mind when you need more processing power!

Method 4: Template Literals

Template literals provide another string appending option:

let str1 = "Hello";
let str2 = "World!"; 

let str3 = `${str1} ${str2}`; 

console.log(str3); // "Hello World!"

The ${variable} syntax lets you embed variables directly inside string templates.


  • Embedded values without concatenation
  • Works with strings and other data
  • Customizable with templates


  • Backtick syntax may seem strange at first

Template literals shine when:

  • Building strings from a mix of sources
  • Wanting custom string formats

Their direct embedding makes templates ideal for string interpolation tasks.

Method 5: The join() Method

You can also append strings using Array.join(). The steps are:

  1. Create array of strings
  2. Join into final string

Here is an example:

let str1 = "Hello";
let str2 = "World!";

let arr = [str1, " ", str2]; 

let str3 = arr.join("");

console.log(str3); // "Hello World!"

Much like push(), join() works through an array intermediary.

Join has the simplest syntax which can be nice when processing longer arrays. But you lose direct manipulation capabilities compared to push().

So weigh the tradeoffs based on your use case.


We‘ve covered a variety of techniques for appending strings in JavaScript:

  • += – Great for quick concatenation
  • concat() – Better for complex logic
  • push() / join() – Enable string array manipulation
  • Template literals – Direct embedding without concatenation

Now you have multiple tools to tackle string appending tasks in your code.

The right approach depends on the specifics of what you want to achieve. A general guideline is:

  • For basic appending, use += or concat()
  • For more processing power, leverage push() or join()
  • For string interpolation, utilize template literals

This covers the array of options available for string appending in JavaScript. Now you can concatenate, embed and compose strings with flexibility and ease!

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