The right mouse button triggers a context menu to appear in web browsers. As developers, we often need to capture the right click event and take some action when users right click on page elements. This comprehensive guide explains how to fully detect and handle right click events in JavaScript.

What is the Context Menu Event?

The contextmenu event fires when the user clicks the right mouse button to trigger the browser‘s context menu. This opens a menu providing options like copy, paste etc related to the current context.

As per MDN web docs:

The contextmenu event fires when the user tries to open a context menu. This allows the development of custom context menus for web applications.

Context menus act as a quick way to access common commands without needing to navigate UI menus. Over 74% of users utilize context menus to speed up interactions with web applications.

Why Capture the Right Click Event?

Here are the most common use cases for capturing right click events in JavaScript:

  1. To display custom context menus instead of the default browser provided menu

    Many apps require special item options, nested sub-menus and other domain-specific commands that go beyond the native menu.

  2. Implement special effects like preview panels, rating dialogs etc on right clicking specific page elements

    For example, an image gallery site can show an info overlay on right clicking photos.

  3. Override or disable the default right click behavior

    Some apps need to block the default menu from appearing to avoid confusing options.

  4. Track right click usage for advanced analytics and click heatmaps

    This helps understand usage patterns to improve page designs.

  5. Display debugging alerts and messages during development

    Logging details on right clicks helps troubleshoot issues faster.

So having the ability to capture and handle this event opens up many possibilities for better, richer behaviors and customizations.

Detecting Right Click Events in JavaScript

The easiest way to listen for right clicks is to attach an event handler for the browser‘s native "contextmenu" event using JavaScript.

Using addEventListener()

We can call addEventListener() on the window, document or other specific DOM elements to listen for contextmenu events:

// Attach handler to document
document.addEventListener(‘contextmenu‘, (event) => {

  // Code to handle right click event


Now whenever the user right clicks within the attached element, our callback function will be executed.

For example, the following will display an alert popup whenever the user right clicks anywhere on the page:

window.addEventListener(‘contextmenu‘, (event) => {
    alert(‘Right mouse button clicked!‘);

Here is this live demo:

Alert on right click demo

The alert popup demonstrates how we can run JavaScript code in response to the contextmenu event.

The Event Object

The callback function is passed an Event object parameter (typically named event) containing useful information like:

  • event.pageX, event.pageY – mouse cursor position
  • event.clientX, event.clientY – relative to viewport
  • – the DOM element mouse clicked on
  • event.preventDefault() – prevents default browser menu

For example, we can print details to console instead of alert:

window.addEventListener(‘contextmenu‘, (event) => {


  console.log(`Right clicked at 
  PageX: ${event.pageX} 
  PageY: ${event.pageY}`);


This allows us to dynamically position menus or implement logic based on event properties.

Log right click coordinates

Next let‘s see how the event can be used to customize default behavior.

Disabling the Default Browser Menu

We can prevent the default context menu from appearing by calling event.preventDefault():

window.addEventListener(‘contextmenu‘, (event) => {


  console.log(‘Default menu disabled!‘);


Now right clicking on the page will not show the standard browser provided context menu.

This allows replacing the original menu with a custom one (covered ahead).

Creating a Custom Context Menu

To display a completely custom menu instead of the browser‘s default, we can:

  1. Prevent the default menu using event.preventDefault()
  2. Dynamically generate HTML for our custom menu
  3. Append this menu component into the DOM
  4. Position it based on the mouse coordinates
  5. Remove the menu when it loses focus

For example:

// Menu template as HTML
var menu = `  
  <div id="menu">
      <li>Item 1</li>
      <li>Item 2</li>
      <li>Item 3</li>

// Add event listener  
document.addEventListener(‘contextmenu‘, (event) => {


  // Create menu DOM dynamically
  let menuDiv = document.createElement(‘div‘);
  menuDiv.innerHTML = menu;  

  // Position under mouse = `${event.pageX}px`; = `${event.pageY}px`;


// Remove menu element when invisible
document.addEventListener(‘click‘, () => {

Now instead of the default menu, our custom context menu appears!

custom context menu

The key advantages over default menus are:

  • Can contain interactive JavaScript elements like toggles, datepickers etc
  • Dynamic item generation based on application state
  • Icons, images and custom styling for brand consistency
  • Nested submenus for complex application functionality

So building custom components provides greater flexibility.

Next we‘ll cover some advanced implementations.

Advanced Right Click Event Handling

The basic listener pattern serves most use cases for responding to right clicks. But for more complex interactivity, here are some tips:

1. Multiple Handlers on Same Event

We can attach multiple event handlers for the same contextmenu event:

// 1st handler
document.addEventListener(‘contextmenu‘, (event) => {
  // Shared logic

// 2nd handler
document.addEventListener(‘contextmenu‘, (event) => {
  // Specific logic

These allow separation of cross-cutting and specific concerns:

Multiple contextmenu handlers diagram

Image source: LogRocket

For example – one for analytics, another for DOM updates.

2. Use Capture vs Bubble Phase

Event propagation happens in 2 phases:

  1. Capturing – goes down from window -> document -> target element
  2. Bubbling – bottoms-up from target to document to window

By default handlers are called in the bubbling flow.

We can force the capture phase using an options object:

document.addEventListener(‘contextmenu‘, (event) => {
 // Handling logic
}, {capture: true}); 

This ensures the handler is triggered first before bubble propagation.

3. Cleaning Up Listeners

To avoid memory leaks, we must clean up unused event listeners by calling removeEventListener():

// Attach listener
document.addEventListener(‘contextmenu‘, handler);

// When no longer required
document.removeEventListener(‘contextmenu‘, handler);  

This best practice releases references to the handler function for garbage collection.

Accessibility Considerations

Relying solely on right click events has some downsides:

  1. Not keyboard accessible – purely mouse based
  2. Screen readers may not handle custom menus properly if not coded correctly

Therefore, we must ensure keyboard and assistive technology support:

✅ Use onkeydown event for arrow keys directing screen readers

✅ Support Enter and Spacebar keys to activate items

✅ Follow WAI-ARIA authoring practices for custom widgets

This ensures maximum accessibility for users with disabilities – a must for professional web development.

Common Use Cases

Beyond basic menus, developers utilize the contextmenu event for many creative purposes:

Browser Extensions

Browser extensions like productivity tools and accessibility enhancers often extend native context menus with extra options.

For example, the Widemage extension adds a "Open Image in New Tab" item:

Widemage browser extension example

Detecting contextmenu allows injecting these new items.

JavaScript Frameworks

All popular frameworks like React, Angular and Vue provide components for conditionally displaying custom context menus.

For example, React has the react-contextmenu NPM module for configurable menus.

Libraries abstract away direct DOM manipulation, letting developers declaratively express right click handling logic.

Drawing Apps

Online whiteboard tools utilize right clicks for accessing color palettes, stroke settings, shape tools etc.

For example, the Excalidraw whiteboard app shows this robust menu:

Excalidraw context menu demo

So alternatives to default menus enhance specialized drawing use cases.

There are many other advanced custom UI scenarios for maps, 3D tools etc.

Mobile Considerations

Mobile devices like phones and tablets lack physical mouse buttons. But the contextmenu event can still be leveraged:

Long Press Gestures

A long press touch typically triggers a similar contextual menu to appear:

mobile context menu on long press

So the right click can be emulated via touch and hold gestures.

We must adjust positioning based on touch events rather than mouse coordinates.


For responsive cross-device sites, the menu implementation should adapt based on viewport width breakpoints.

More specifically – build a compact radial dial menu for smaller touch interfaces rather than cascading flyouts.

This ensures usable context options without excessive panning required on mobile.

Browser Compatibility

The contextmenu event enjoys excellent cross browser support:

Browser Supported Versions
Chrome Yes
Firefox Yes
Safari Yes
Edge Yes
IE 9+

Legacy IE browsers do not expose contextmenu events directly.

A fallback is listening for onclick events and checking event.button === 2 to detect the right mouse button click.

So robust cross browser handling is possible with small workarounds.


Detecting right click events allows implementing highly interactive custom menus, UI panels and special effects.

The key highlights are:

✅ Use addEventListener() to listen for contextmenu events

event.preventDefault() prevents the default browser menu

✅ Dynamically build custom menu components

✅ Position menus based on mouse coordinates

✅ Ensure proper keyboard and screen reader accessibility

✅ Remember to remove unused event handlers

I hope this guide gave you a firm grasp of capturing and handling right click events using modern JavaScript. Let me know if you have any other questions!

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