Buttons are one of the most common UI elements used in web pages and applications. Styling buttons to provide visual feedback to users as they interact with them is important for good UI/UX design. One of the most common ways to provide visual feedback on buttons is to change their appearance when a user hovers over them.

In this comprehensive guide, we will learn how to change the background color, text color, border color and other CSS properties of a button when a user hovers their mouse cursor over it.

Browser Compatibility for CSS Hover Effects

Before jumping into button hover effect examples, it is useful to understand browser support and compatibility. According to CanIUse, the :hover pseudo-class selector has widespread support in all modern browsers.

However, there are some caveats with older browsers:

  • The :hover selector does not work on touch devices like phones and tablets in iOS Safari or Android Browser. User would need to tap the button instead of hovering with no custom feedback supported.

  • Legacy IE browsers do not support using :hover on any other elements apart from anchor tags. Styling divs, spans, buttons etc on hover fails before IE 10.

For these reasons, custom hover interactions require progressive enhancement. Core functionality should degrade gracefully for users on incompatible browsers.

The full compatibility data for :hover support is:

Browser Compatibility
Chrome Full support
Firefox Full support
Safari Full support EXCEPT touch devices
Edge Full support
IE Supported from IE 10, other elements supported IE9+

With this browser support context in mind, let‘s now dive into the code examples!

Changing Button Color on Hover

The most common visual change to indicate a hover state is to simply change the background color of the button. This can be achieved with the :hover pseudo-class selector in CSS.

The syntax is:

button:hover {
  /* New styling for hover state */ 

When the user hovers over the <button>, all the CSS rules defined in the :hover block will be applied.

Let‘s take an example button and change its background color on hover:

<button class="btn">Hover Over Me</button>
.btn {
  background-color: #4CAF50; 
  border: none;
  color: white;
  padding: 15px 32px;
  text-align: center;
  text-decoration: none;
  display: inline-block; 
  font-size: 16px;

.btn:hover {
  background-color: #3e8e41; 

Initially our button will have a #4CAF50 green background. On hover, this changes to the darker #3e8e41 green.

This helps indicate that the button is now in the hover state and provides visual feedback to the user as they are about to click.


And that‘s really all there is to change a button‘s background color on hover! Nice and simple to get started.

Next let‘s look at some more advanced examples changing not only the background but also text color, border color and more.

Creative Button Hover Effect Ideas

Changing just the background color is great for simple button hover feedback. However, we can build more advanced effects by modifying multiple properties.

Some ideas to spark creativity:

  • Switch background & text colors for contrast
  • Grow/shrink button size
  • Add borders, box shadows on hover
  • Apply fun transforms like skew, rotate
  • Leverage SVG icon hovers
  • Animate with CSS transitions for extra UX polish

Let‘s go through some examples to experiment with more inventive approaches.

Scramble Text Effect

For a playful hover interaction, we can scramble and shuffle the text content on button hover:

.btn:hover { 
  animation: textScramble .5s infinite;

@keyframes textScramble {
  0% {content: "Hover Over Me";}
  20% {content: "eM revO revoH";}
  40% {content: "Over Me Hover";} 
  60% {content: "revoH Me revO"}
  80% {content: "Me Over Hover";}
  100% {content: "Hover Over Me";}  

We use the content animation technique to swap out text strings in different orders. Combined with a quick animation speed this creates a glitchy scramble effect.


This shows how hover effects can go way beyond just color changes!

Morph SVG Icon

For a more graphical transformation, morphing between icon images is an engaging hover interaction.

We can achieve this with inline SVG and smooth CSS transitions:

.btn svg {
  transition: all .8s ease;  

.btn:hover svg {
  transform: rotate(-180deg);
<button class="btn">
    <polyline points="60,20 100,140 140,20">  

This 180 degree flip animation on the SVG polyline morphs the arrow icon on hover.


No need for bloated sprite images when you can achieve similar results with just inline SVG code.

Skew Button Transform

We can also leverage CSS transforms like skew to morph button shape for some abstract, modern art style hover interactions.

.btn { 
  transition: all .5s ease;

.btn:hover {
  transform: skew(10deg, 5deg) scale(1.1);   


Skewing, scaling and animating button hover transforms is a easy way to think outside the box!

The great thing with CSS hover effects is that they are purely decorative. You can push creative boundaries without affecting site functionality at all.

Now that we have covered some more unique ideas, let‘s explore a few more practical examples with borders, shadows and sizes.

Grow Button Size

A subtle but impactful change is growing the button size slightly on hover. This helps highlight the button and indicates it is clickable.

We can use the transform property to scale the button up. Adding a smooth transition makes this effect feel natural:

.btn {
  transition: all 0.2s ease-out;  

.btn:hover {
  transform: scale(1.1);  


Scale values larger than 1 will grow the element while less than 1 will shrink it. Experiment with subtle scaling to find the right hover effect.

Add Box Shadow

Applying an inset box-shadow on hover can almost replicate a "pressed down" effect. It adds depth and indiciates to the user that the button can be clicked.

.btn:hover {
  box-shadow: inset 2px 2px 5px rgba(0,0,0,0.15);


Play around with different box-shadow blur, spread and color values to customize.

Pseudo-Elements for Advanced Hover Effects

Up until now we‘ve only modified styling of the button element itself. For even more creative effects, we can leverage CSS pseudo-elements.

These elements allow us to insert virtual DOM elements and apply styles without extra markup bloat.

The two most useful ones for building hover effects are:

  • ::before – Insert virtual element before button
  • ::after – Insert virtual element after button

Let‘s look at how these work in practice:

Pulsing Border Effect

A nice feedback effect for clickable elements is a quick pulsing border animation on hover.

We can achieve this just with the ::before pseudo-element:

.btn::before {  
  content: ‘‘;
  position: absolute;
  top: -5px; left: -5px; 
  right: -5px; bottom: -5px;
  border: 2px solid #e0aaff;
  z-index: -1;
  animation: pulseBorder .5s ease alternate infinite;
  opacity: 0;  

.btn:hover::before {
  opacity: 1;

@keyframes pulseBorder {
  0% {opacity: 1;}
  100% {opacity: 0;} 

This animates a border to pulse in and out on hover to grab user‘s attention.


Animated Background Transition

We can also layer multiple pseudo elements to animate more complex hover interactions:

/* Background circles */
.btn::before {
  /* Styles */  
  transition: all .8s ease; 
  transform: scale(0);

.btn:hover::before {
  transform: scale(3);

/* Foreground SVG shape */ 
.btn::after {
  /* Styles */
  transition: all .8s ease;
  transform: rotate(0deg);  

.btn:hover::after {
  transform: rotate(180deg); 

This scales up a background circle shape, while rotating a foreground SVG icon on hover – creating a playful layered animation.


The advantage of using pseudo-elements for these effects is no extra required markup. We can apply complex animations with clean semantics.

JavaScript React Button on Hover

For more interactive experiences, we may want to trigger JavaScript code in response to hover events.

Luckily, the approach in React is almost identical to CSS. The key difference is applying :hover styles to the component style prop instead.

Here is a React button example:

// Button.js

export default function Button({ text }) {
  return (

// Hover handlers
function handleHover() {

function handleHoverEnd() {
  console.log(‘Hover ended!‘)  

// Styles object
const styles = {
  backgroundColor: ‘blue‘,
  color: ‘white‘,

  // Hover style          
  ‘:hover‘: {
    backgroundColor: ‘darkblue‘

Now any JS code can be executed on these hover event handlers, such as API calls to load content etc.


The main advantage over CSS hover is much more control and ability to directly invoke JavaScript functions.

Why Button Hover States Matter

At this point you might be wondering – why does something seemingly so minor like button hover styling actually matter?

As it turns out, subtle visual feedback cues on calls-to-action have an enormously positive impact on user experience and conversion rates.

According to research by Nielsen Norman Group:

  • Animation and microinteractions significantly increase user understanding of interfaces
  • Interfaces feel more interactive and responsive with meaningful transitional animations
  • Color changes on hover improves clickability of CTAs

Additionally, data from ConversionXL studies found:

  • Colored CTAs increase clickthrough rates by 26% compared to grey buttons
  • 80% of people believe color increases brand recognition
  • On average people make subconscious judgements on products in 90 seconds based largely on color and imagery

This data highlights the disproportionate impact even subtle color changes can have on user response.

Based on these behavioral insights, we can infer active hover states are crucial for modern web UI design. The studies clearly show increased user appeal and conversion potential.

Technical Details of CSS Hover States

Now that we have covered practical examples of button hover effects, I want to briefly explain what is actually happening behind the scenes to enable these :hover interactions.

Understanding these technical details will help debug issues and optimize performance.

Specifically, enabling hover states relies on JavaScript event listener bindings added by the browser. When a user moves their mouse cursor, the browser detects this movement and checks if it intersected over any elements with :hover styling rules defined.


If an intersection is found, the matching CSS rules are applied to the hovered element. And reversed when the cursor leaves the element boundaries.

This allow hover states to work across the entire viewport for multiple elements.

However the trade-off is each movement triggers potentially expensive DOM checks and style recalculations by JavaScript. Lots of elements with :hover rules on a cluttered page can therefore hit performance.

Some optimizations include:

  • Avoid overusing :hover styles where not needed
  • Ensure DOM depth is minimized so traversal to find intersected elements stays low
  • Debounce rapid mousemove events with throttle or debounce to reduce checks
  • Cache hovered element in state to prevent redundant style recalcs

So in summary:

  • :hover enabled by browser event listeners on mousemove
  • Checks for intersection with all elements that have :hover styling
  • Applies/removes styles in response to hover state changes
  • Can be expensive if overused – optimize carefully!


And there you have it – many ways to create interesting hover effects with CSS!

The key principles are:

  • Start simple by changing background, text color on hover with transition
  • Explore more inventive ideas like scramble text, skew transforms
  • Use pseudo-elements to add effects without extra markup
  • Ensure effects degrade gracefully for accessibility
  • Optimize for performance with throttling and caching

Combined with some smooth animations and transitions you can build engaging, delighful hover interactions in your interfaces to wow users.

What new hover effect ideas can you come up with? Let me know in the comments!

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