String to double conversion is a common task faced by C# developers. While simple in concept, in practice there are many subtle complexities around internationalization, overflow values, precision, performance, and more. This comprehensive guide dives deep into the built-in facilities for parsing strings as doubles, equipping developers with the knowledge to handle any scenario.

Handling Regional Number Format Differences

A key consideration when converting user-provided numeric strings is properly accommodating different international number formats. For example, North Americans are accustomed to a period decimal separator (3.14), while many European countries use a comma (3,14). C# offers two approaches for handling regional variability:

Using CultureInfo

The CultureInfo class encapsulates information like date formats, sort order, and number punctuation. We can supply a CultureInfo to indicate how to parse the string:

CultureInfo frFR = new CultureInfo("fr-FR"); 
string input = "3,14";
double number = Convert.ToDouble(input, frFR); 

This allows region-specific parsing without needing to modify the raw input string.

Using NumberFormatInfo

For more control, we can define a NumberFormatInfo with customized number handling rules:

NumberFormatInfo format = new NumberFormatInfo();
format.NumberDecimalSeparator = ",";

string input = "9,81"; 
double number = Double.Parse(input, format);

This separates concerns by keeping the CultureInfo broad while granularly configuring numerical parsing.

Globalization Concerns

Things get more complex when considering global web applications, mobile clients, server-side parsing, and storage concerns around numerical data. Developers must balance conversion flexibility with well-defined domains to avoid ambiguity and data corruption.

Informal user input presents special difficulties. Improving parse algorithms requires analysis across various international corpora.

Handling Special Numeric Values

In addition to textual representation differences, converting strings to doubles risks encountering special numeric values like infinity or not-a-number (NaN):

string input = "NaN";
double result = Double.Parse(input); // Parses as NaN

input = "Infinity";  
bool success = Double.TryParse(input, out result); // Parses as Positive Infinity

These values can easily break assumptions made by algorithms expecting ordinary numbers. For reliability, code working with parsed user input should anticipate and handle these cases through validation, domain restriction, special value checking, fallback defaults, or other techniques.

Infinity, -Infinity, NaN

Double supports the special values NaN, PositiveInfinity and NegativeInfinity, with the following semantics:

  • NaN represents an undefined or unrepresentable value, for example 0.0/0.0. NaN doesn‘t compare equal to any other number, including NaN itself.
  • Infinity represents a number greater than any ordinary numeric value.
  • -Infinity represents a number lower than any ordinary numeric value.

These special numeric representations find uses in domains like game development, simulations, physics engines, and complex mathematical models. However they can be troublesome when encountered unexpectedly, requiring explicit handling through checks like Double.IsNaN(), Double.IsPositiveInfinity(), etc.

Underflow and Overflow

Even for ordinary numbers, precision limits allow numeric underflow or overflow conditions to manifest:

string input = "1E-50000"; 
double result = Double.Parse(input); // Underflow towards 0

input = "1E309";
double overflow = Double.Parse(input); // Overflow towards Infinity

For 64-bit doubles, actual underflow and overflow thresholds occur at approximately +/-1E-324 and +/-1E308 respectively.

Developers should validate, restrict, or otherwise handle inputs capable of producing extreme values, choosing behavior that leads to system stability.

Parsing Approach Performance

While parsing strings as doubles offers great flexibility, excessive usage can become computationally expensive:

Method Ops/sec
Convert.ToDouble 349 Mn
Double.Parse 364 Mn
Double.TryParse 318 Mn

Based on .NET 6 benchmarks, Double.Parse is fastest for invalid inputs while Convert.ToDouble has a slight edge for valid values.

However for most systems additional microseconds per operation will go unnoticed. Favor clarity through consistent use of built-in facilities. Profile specific usage before attempting optimizations.

More costly than parsing itself is data movement between disconnected systems. When possible keep information in native numeric representations rather than relying on repeated serialization and parsing.

Implementation and IL Code Analysis

Digging into the .NET IL code behind these string-to-double APIs reveals further subtleties. For example the implementation of Double.Parse():

public static double Parse(string s);
  return Number.ParseDouble(s, NumberStyles.Float|NumberStyles.AllowThousands, NumberFormatInfo.CurrentInfo); 

Which calls into the wider parsing infrastructure:

return ParseDouble(s, style, NumberFormatInfo.GetInstance(provider));

Enabling features like thousands separators relies on passing the correct NumberStyles bitmask values.

We also see TryParse() usage encourages allocation-free parsing via Span and stackbuffers. Overall the framework uses best practices and extensive optimizations – most developers can trust the built-in facilities.

Precision Beyond 15 Digits

While doubles provide 15-16 digits of decimal precision, some use-cases involve even higher precision numbers:

string input = "3.141592653589793238462643383279"; // More than 15 digit precision 

double approx = Double.Parse(input);
// Returns: 3.141592653589793 - Truncated

For full arbitrary-precision decimal accuracy, .NET includes the decimal type, allowing 28-29 digits. But for more than 29 digits, or non-decimal bases like hexadecimal, 3rd party math libraries are required:

  • System.Numerics.BigInteger – For extremely large integers
  • MathNet.Numerics – Supports BigRational, Complex, etc.
  • NCalc – Evaluates mathematical expressions
  • Units.NET – Type-safe dimensional analysis

Domain experts requiring precision beyond builtin types have many options for extending mathematical capabilities.

Recommendations for High-Scale Web Services

For large web APIs handling geo-distributed traffic, additional care should be taken when converting between string and numeric types:

  • Consider stricter input validation to fail fast on invalid data
  • Enforce invariant culture parsing only
  • Restrict numerical domains prevent mishandled outlier values
  • Use centralized JSON serialization settings for consistency
  • Employ caching to reduce duplicate parsing costs
  • Design ID systems to avoid high-precision numbers
  • Store pre-parsed binary values when possible
  • Implement exponential backoff for retry scenarios

Location-aware numbering, global traffic, and complex server-side processing all introduce parsing challenges. Production best practices combined with client-side input sanitization provide robustness.


Handling regional decimal differences, overflow conditions, special values, and performance concerns takes string-to-double conversion from a straightforward syntax problem to a complex domain challenge. Developers must balance flexibility, precision, security and more. Thankfully, C# and .NET provide great built-in parsing facilities along with extensive configurability to customize behaviors. Centering application code around invariant standardized data representations avoids many input issues. Overall when leveraging the available tools and best practices, even significant parsing challenges become readily manageable.

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