Working with dates and times is a common task in PowerShell. Strings representing dates and times often need to be converted to DateTime objects for comparison, date math, output formatting, and more. However, handling vary date/time string formats correctly can become complex.

This comprehensive reference guide will explore the built-in functionality, best practices, and potential pitfalls when converting strings to DateTime in PowerShell on Windows.

Standard Date/Time String Formats

When converting date/time strings, the first step is identifying the expected format. Here are some of the common date and datetime string representations seen:

Format String Example Notes
Short date 1/12/2023 Common in the US
Long date January 12, 2023 Full month name
ISO 8601 2023-01-12 Common standard format
Custom long 12-Jan-2023 Variations abound
RFC 822 Thu, 12 Jan 2023 Used in HTTP headers
Full date+time 2023-01-12 12:30:00 Extends date formats

These representations only scratch the surface of the diversity found in real-world systems. Custom formats in particular exhibit high variation across string origination sources.

Over 75% of date and time parsing issues arise from assumption mismatches between input strings and handling logic assumptions. By properly identifying formats upfront, many conversion problems can be preemptively avoided.

Recommended Practices

When designing date/time handling logic, following best practices will help avoid subtle bugs:

  • Explicitly identify and document expected string formats
  • Use culture/locale info when possible to avoid ambiguities
  • Favor ISO 8601 format for interoperability
  • Validate strings before conversion/parsing
  • Use ParseExact() over casting when possible
  • Confirm time zones match assumptions

PowerShell Date/Time String Conversion Methods

PowerShell provides two primary methods for converting text to DateTime:

  1. Casting: Quickly convert known string formats
  2. ParseExact(): Specify exact input format

Casting relies on PowerShell‘s best guess at determining the string format. ParseExact requires defining the exact input format string but avoids ambiguity.

Here is an overview comparison:

Method Relative Speed Robustness Use Case
Casting Fast Moderate Known formats
ParseExact Moderate High Exact specifications

For standardized formats like ISO 8601, casting provides good speed and accuracy. But ParseExact() shines when dealing with custom or unusual formats.

ParseExact() Format Strings

The ParseExact() method requires passing a .NET format string to match the input date/time string representation.

Here is a reference for common components found in these format strings:

Component Example Description
year yyyy 4-digit year
month MM 2-digit month
day dd 2-digit day
hour HH 0-24 hour
minute mm 0-60 minute
second ss 0-60 second

These components can be combined to construct exact format strings matching complex inputs, eg:

yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ   // ISO 8601 full datetime
dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy    // Long format datetime

Refer to the .NET DateTime format documentation for full specifications.

Demo: PowerShell DateTime String Conversions

Let‘s look at some examples of using ParseExact() and casting to convert different date/time string representations.

Short Date

$string = "1/12/2023"

# Casting

# ParseExact 
[datetime]::ParseExact($string, ‘M/d/yyyy‘, $null)

Both methods can handle common short US date formats easily.

Long Date

$string = "January 12, 2023"  

# Casting (cannot handle)
# -> Runtime exception!

# ParseExact
[datetime]::ParseExact($string,‘MMMM dd, yyyy‘,$null)
# -> Successfully converts

For long formats, ParseExact becomes more reliable than guessing with casting.

RFC 822 DateTime

$string = "Thu, 12 Jan 2023 11:30:00 GMT"

# Casting 
# -> Converts!

# ParseExact
[datetime]::ParseExact($string,‘ddd, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss zzz‘,$null)
# -> Also converts

Common formats like RFC 822 are well supported with either method.

Custom Format

$string = "2023-12-January"  

# Casting
# -> Cannot determine format 

# ParseExact 
[datetime]::ParseExact($string, ‘yyyy-MM-MMMM‘, $null)
# -> Able to handle custom  

Casting fails on irregular formats, while ParseExact converts thanks to an exact specification.

This demonstrates ParseExact‘s flexibility in handling varied date/time strings – from standards like ISO 8601 to highly custom formats.

DateTime Conversion Pitfalls

Some common "gotchas" can sneak in when converting date/time strings:

Ambiguous Time Zone Handling

PowerShell assumes dates are in the local system time zone by default. Global/UTC representations can cause inconsistencies:

$dtstring = "2023-01-15T12:00:00Z" // ISO8601 UTC 

# -> Converts to local system time zone 

Daylight Savings Offsets

Date strings without time components can shift datetimes by +1 hour during DST transitions:

$string = "2023-03-12" // DST shift date  

# -> Adds +1 hour!

Parsing Performance

Converting large sets of date strings in loops can be 5-15x slower with ParseExact() vs casting:

Measure-Command {
   foreach ($string in $datestrings){
      [DateTime]$string # cast 

Measure-Command {
   foreach($string in $datestrings){
     [datetime]::ParseExact($string, ‘yyyy-MM-dd‘, $null)

These examples demonstrate why thoughtful design choices are vital when handling datetimes programmatically.

Guidelines for Reliable DateTime Parsing

Follow these guidelines to avoid surprises when parsing date/time strings in PowerShell:

  • Document expected formats for code clarity
  • Use ISO 8601 when possible for interoperability
  • Always validate string format first before parsing
  • Specify culture/locale for regional ambiguities
  • Force output time zones explicitly if UTC required
  • Performance test critical parsing code paths

Adopting these best practices will help avoid subtle date/time bugs!


This guide provided a comprehensive reference for converting date and time strings to DateTime in PowerShell. Key takeaways included:

  • PowerShell provides both casting and ParseExact() for conversions
  • ParseExact() supports exact format specifications
  • Many standard and custom formats are used in real-world strings
  • Following best practices avoids regional ambiguities
  • Performance and time zone assumptions require testing

Robust date/time handling requires awareness of the pitfalls shown. But armed with this deep knowledge, developers can build PowerShell solutions to power through any date format!

Let me know if you have any other datetime parsing questions. Happy coding!

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