JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) has become a ubiquitous data format used for storing and exchanging data in web and mobile applications. Its simplicity, flexibility, and similarity to Python dictionaries make JSON an ideal choice for developers using Python.

Converting between JSON strings and Python dictionaries is very common, and Python provides built-in ways to accomplish this. This comprehensive guide will explain different methods to convert a string to JSON data in Python.

Overview of JSON

Before diving into the conversion methods, let‘s briefly overview JSON.

JSON is an open-standard, language-independent, lightweight data interchange format. It represents structured data based on key-value pairs, similar to Python dictionaries or JavaScript objects.

Here are some key characteristics of JSON:

  • JSON structures data as name/value pairs just like Python dicts
  • Values can be strings, numbers, booleans, list or other JSON objects
  • JSON data is represented in a string format
  • Can be read and used by most modern programming languages
  • Great for storing data to exchange between programs and systems

For example, here is some data represented as a JSON string:

{"name": "John", "age": 30, "isAdmin": false, "courses": ["Python", "JavaScript"]}

When converted into native Python types, we get:

  "name": "John",
  "age": 30, 
  "isAdmin": False,
  "courses": ["Python", "JavaScript"]  

As you can see, JSON structures data in a format very similar to Python dicts. This makes conversion between JSON and Python easy.

Now let‘s go over different methods to convert a string containing JSON data into a Python dict.

1. Using json.loads()

The easiest way to convert a JSON string to a Python dict is using the json.loads() method.

json.loads() takes a string containing JSON data and converts it into native Python types:

import json

json_str = ‘{"name": "Bob", "age": 35, "jobs": ["Software", "Writing"]}‘
py_dict = json.loads(json_str)

# {‘name‘: ‘Bob‘, ‘age‘: 35, ‘jobs‘: [‘Software‘, ‘Writing‘]}


  1. We import Python‘s built-in json module
  2. Initialize a string containing valid JSON
  3. Call json.loads(), passing the JSON string
  4. Gets us the equivalent Python dictionary

This method handles escaping quotes and other formatting needed when parsing the JSON string.

We can also load JSON from a file using json.load(). For example:

with open("data.json") as f:
  py_dict = json.load(f)

So whenever you want to convert a JSON string or file into Python, json.loads() and json.load() are the simplest approaches.

2. Using ast.literal_eval()

Python‘s ast module contains a method called literal_eval() that can safely evaluate a Python string containing a literal value (like JSON) and convert it into native Python types.

Here is an example usage:

import ast

json_str = ‘{"name": "Mary", "age": 28, "jobs": ["Data Science", "Software"]}‘

py_dict = ast.literal_eval(json_str)

print(type(py_dict)) # <class ‘dict‘> 
# {‘name‘: ‘Mary‘, ‘age‘: 28, ‘jobs‘: [‘Data Science‘, ‘Software‘]}

ast.literal_eval() converts the string containing JSON into the equivalent Python dict.

A benefit of using literal_eval() over eval() is that literal_eval() safely evaluates strings containing Python literal values. It does not evaluate arbitrary Python expressions, reducing security risks.

So for converting JSON strings into Python, ast.literal_eval() provides a robust and safer option compared to directly using eval().

3. Using eval()

Python has a built-in eval() method that evaluates a string as Python code and runs it.

eval() can be used to parse a JSON string and convert it into native Python data structures. However, eval() comes with risks since it will execute any Python code passed to it, creating security issues.

Here is an example:

import ast

json_str = ‘{"name": "Sara", "age": 42, "skills": ["Python", "Web Dev"]}‘ 

py_dict = eval(json_str)

print(type(py_dict)) # <class ‘dict‘>  
# {‘name‘: ‘Sara‘, ‘age‘: 42, ‘skills‘: [‘Python‘, ‘Web Dev‘]}

This dynamically executes the JSON string as Python code, and assigns the result (a dict) to py_dict.


  • eval() will execute any Python code passed to it. This allows arbitrary code execution if taking unsanitized user input, creating major security holes.

  • It is slower than json.loads() and ast.literal_eval() in most cases.

So in summary, eval() works but should be avoided except in cases where you fully trust the input string. For most JSON parsing tasks, json.loads() or ast.literal_eval() are better options.

4. Manual String Parsing

While not recommended, you can parse a JSON string manually using Python‘s built-in string methods, access characters one at a time, and piece everything together.

This involves:

  • Checking that the input string is valid JSON
  • Extracting data between the { and } braces
  • Splitting on , to get key-value parts
  • Further splitting each part on : get keys and values
  • Parsing values into appropriate Python types

And so on. As you can image, this gets complex very quickly.

Here is a short example for demonstration:

import re

json_str = ‘{"name": "Alice", "age": 40, "jobs": ["Analyst","Engineering"]}‘

# Validate basic structure 
if not re.match(r‘^{".*",.*}$‘, json_str):
  raise ValueError("Invalid JSON string") 

# Extract data  
data = json_str[1:-1]  

py_dict = {}

for kv_pair in data.split(","):
  k,v = kv_pair.split(":")
  v = v.strip(‘"‘) 
  if v.startswith("["):
    v = v[1:-1].split(",") 
  k = k.strip(‘"‘)
  py_dict[k] = v

# {‘name‘: ‘Alice‘, ‘age‘: 40, ‘jobs‘: [‘Analyst‘, ‘Engineering‘]}

While this works, manually parsing JSON this way is:

  • More complex and brittle
  • Harder to maintain
  • Slower (for large JSON)
  • Prone to bugs if JSON format ever changes

So avoid writing your own JSON parsing logic unless required. Rely on Python‘s built-in json module or ast.literal_eval() to handle converting JSON strings into Python dicts reliably.

Best Practices

When converting between JSON and Python, keep these best practices in mind:

  • Use json.loads() – For decoding JSON and handling unicode escapes, json.loads() is the best method to use in most cases.

  • Validate untrusted JSON – If supporting user-submitted JSON, validate it first before passing to loads() methods to prevent code injection.

  • Pretty print JSON – To view JSON clearly when debugging, use print(json.dumps(py_dict, indent=4))

  • Handle invalid JSON – Robust code should handle cases of malformed JSON with try/except.

  • Use literal_eval() safely – For locked down code where performance matters, ast.literal_eval() provides good speed and safety.

Adhering to these will help avoid surprises and truncated data when converting between JSON strings and Python types.


JSON is a ubiquitous data format that integrates easily with Python thanks to their structural similarities.

Python gives developers several great options for parsing a string containing JSON into native Python dictionaries and lists. The json module with json.loads() provides the simplest approach. But ast.literal_eval() also works well for safe evaluation in some cases.

Manually parsing JSON in Python is possible but not recommended in most situations. Relying on Python‘s built-in tools like json.loads() saves unnecessary effort and reduces bugs.

I hope this guide gave you a comprehensive overview of different techniques to convert strings to JSON using Python. The json module is easy to work with and suitable for most JSON tasks you‘re likely to encounter.

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