An ArrayList is a resizable array that is part of Java‘s collection framework. It can hold heterogeneous objects and provides useful methods to manipulate data. A String in Java is an object that represents sequence of characters. During application development, you may need to convert an ArrayList containing strings or objects to a comma separated String.

In this comprehensive guide, we will explore different methods to convert an ArrayList to a String in Java.

Why Convert an ArrayList to a String?

Here are some common scenarios where converting an ArrayList to a string is required:

  • To display all elements of an ArrayList in a UI component like a text field.
  • Before writing an ArrayList to a file or database, it needs to be converted to string.
  • To send an ArrayList as a parameter in URL or API calls.
  • To compare two ArrayLists containing strings for equality.
  • To append elements of an ArrayList to form a string sentence.

Methods to Convert ArrayList to String

There are several ways using which you can convert an ArrayList to a string in Java:

  1. Using for loop and String concatenation
  2. Using StringBuilder‘s append()
  3. Using ArrayList‘s toString()
  4. Using Java 8‘s StringJoiner
  5. Using Java 8 Stream API

Let‘s look at the implementation of each one by one.

1. For Loop and String Concatenation

We can iterate over the ArrayList in a for loop. In each iteration, we can concatenate the element to a result String using += operator.

Here is how we can implement it:

List<String> fruits = new ArrayList<>();

String result = "";

for(String fruit : fruits) {
  result += fruit + ", "; 


This will print:

Apple, Banana, Mango, 

Implementation Tips:

  • Declare a result String before loop
  • Use += to append element and comma to result String
  • Print final result String afterwards


  • Not efficient for large ArrayLists, as string concatenation in loop is costly

2. Using StringBuilder Append

We can use a StringBuilder instead of directly concatenating to a String. The StringBuilder provides an append() method to concat elements easily.

Here is the implementation:

List<String> names = new ArrayList<>();

StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (String name : names) {
  sb.append(name).append(", ");



John, Alice,  

Implementation Tips:

  • Create empty StringBuilder
  • Use append() to concat element and comma
  • Call toString() to print final String


  • Efficient for large number of elements
  • Mutable, avoids creating new String in each loop

3. Using toString() Method

Every ArrayList has a toString() method that returns a string representation of the list. The string contains all elements formatted as a comma-separated list enclosed in square brackets.

Here is how to use it:

ArrayList<Integer> numbers = new ArrayList<>();

String listAsString = numbers.toString();


[5, 8, 2]

We can use regex or other string functions to manipulate this string further.

Implementation Tips:

  • Directly call ArrayList‘s toString()
  • Optionally post-process string to remove [] and spaces


  • Simple one line conversion


  • Contains enclosing [] and spaces which may need removal

4. Using Java 8‘s StringJoiner

Java 8 introduced a StringJoiner class just for the purpose of concatenating strings efficiently.

We can pass a delimiter and use the add() method to append elements easily:

ArrayList<String> names = new ArrayList<>(); 

StringJoiner joiner = new StringJoiner(","); 
for(String name : names) {


This prints:


Implementation Tips:

  • Create StringJoiner with delimiter
  • Use add() to append elements
  • Call toString() to get final string


  • Clean and efficient way for string concat

5. Using Java 8 Stream API

Java 8 Stream API provides a collect() method to collect elements of a stream to different data types. We can pass a Collectors.joining() to directly convert stream to a concat string.

Here is how to implement it:

ArrayList<String> names = new ArrayList<>();  

String listAsString =
                           .map(x -> x)
                           .collect(Collectors.joining(", ")); 


This one-liner will print:

John, Alice


  • Concise conversion in a single statement
  • Stream flexibility for transformations


  • Slightly complex Stream syntax

So these were the 5 main methods to convert an ArrayList containing any objects/strings to a String in Java.

Bonus Tips

Here are some additional tips for converting ArrayList to string:

  • For primitive int/long lists, first box the elements:

      List<Integer> intList = //initialize  
      String listStr =
                           .map(x-> String.valueOf(x)) 
                           .collect(Collectors.joining(", "));
  • To prevent trailing comma:

      String result = "";
      for(int i=0; i<list.size()-1; i++) {
          result += list.get(i) + ", "; 
      // append last element if list not empty
      if(!list.isEmpty()) { 
         result += list.get(list.size()-1);  
  • For multi-dimensional lists, nest calls to stream().collect():

      ArrayList<ArrayList<String>> items = //initialize
      String result =
                          .map(l ->"! ")))
                          .collect(Collectors.joining(", "));


We explored different options like for loop, StringBuilder, toString(), StringJoiner and Stream API to convert ArrayList to String in Java.

The best option depends on the Java version and use-case requirement – like simplicity vs performance. The Java 8 options provide clean implementations, while the basic for loop concat gives more flexibility.

I hope you enjoyed this detailed guide on how to convert ArrayList to string in Java. Let me know if you have any other creative ideas for this common problem!

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