The ToDictionary method in C# provides a convenient way to transform a collection of objects into a dictionary data structure. This dictionary maps the objects in the collection to keys and values, allowing for easy lookups and associations.
In this comprehensive guide, we‘ll cover everything you need to know to fully utilize the ToDictionary method in your C# code.
What is ToDictionary?
ToDictionary is an extension method defined in System.Linq namespace on the IEnumerable interface. It allows you to convert an IEnumerable collection like a List or array into a Dictionary by specifying functions to extract keys and values from the source objects.
Here is the syntax:
IEnumerable<TSource> collection;
Dictionary<TKey, TValue> dict = collection.ToDictionary<TSource, TKey, TValue>(
: Source IEnumerable collection to convertkeySelector
: Function to extract key from each source objectelementSelector
: Function to extract value from each source object
The keySelector and elementSelector are delegate functions that receive the source object as input and outputs the key and value respectively.
The return type is a Dictionary with specified key and value types.
Why Use ToDictionary?
Dictionaries provide fast lookup time and allow accessing data by a key. This makes them useful in many situations like:
- Caching frequently accessed data
- Storing configuration data
- Mapping entity relationships
However, the source data is often not in dictionary form already. This is where ToDictionary comes in – it allows transforming existing list or array data into a dictionary easily.
Some major reasons to use ToDictionary:
- Fast lookups: Dictionaries allow O(1) lookup time compared to O(N) for lists
- Convenient access: Data can be accessed via intuitive keys rather than array index
- Data mapping: Objects can be mapped to relevant keys and values for relationships
- Caching: Loading data into a dictionary cache allows fast subsequent access
- Configuration: Store application configuration elegantly as key-value pairs
Overall, ToDictionary bridges the gap between common collection data types like arrays/lists and the useful dictionary structure.
How ToDictionary Works
ToDictionary works by iterating over the source collection and invoking the supplied key and value selector delegates.
On each object, it extracts the key and value by calling the respective delegates. The key and value are then added to the new dictionary object.
After processing all items, the fully constructed dictionary is returned.
For example:
List<Person> persons = new List<Person>() {
new Person() { Id = 1, Name = "John" },
new Person() { Id = 2, Name = "Sam" }
var dict = persons.ToDictionary(p => p.Id, p => p.Name);
Here each Person object is iterated over. The Id property is extracted as the key and Name property as the value.
The final dict contains:
1: "John",
2: "Sam"
This demonstrates how ToDictionary can map objects to intuitive keys and values.
Specifying EqualityComparer
By default, the dictionary returned by ToDictionary uses equality comparer that compares keys using Equals and GetHashCode methods.
However, you can override this by providing a custom IEqualityComparer implementation as shown below:
public class CaseInsensitiveComparer : IEqualityComparer<string>
// Implements case-insensitive equality and hash code logic
var dict = list.ToDictionary(
p => p.Name,
p => p.Code,
new CaseInsensitiveComparer()
This allows customizing how dictionary keys are compared, e.g. case-insensitive comparison.
Dealing With Duplicate Keys
Dictionaries cannot contain duplicate keys. If source collection contains objects with same key, ToDictionary will throw an exception stating "key already exists".
There are several ways to handle this:
1. Use first occurrence
p => p.Id,
p => p.Name,
ignoreDuplicateKeys: true
This will use first person object for each Id and ignore subsequent duplicates.
2. Replace value on duplicate key
p => p.Id,
p => p.Name,
(oldValue, newValue) => newValue
Here the value assignment delegate is supplied to update value if a duplicate key occurs.
3. Group by key into single value
p => p.Id,
p => p,
(duplicates) => duplicates.First()
Now the value is set to a grouping of all objects having same Id key.
4. Append values in a list
p => p.Id
p => p,
(duplicates) => duplicates.ToList()
Here all duplicate values are appended in a list against each key.
So in summary, ToDictionary offers various options to resolve duplicate keys that may occur.
Examples of ToDictionary Usage
Now that we have seen the basics, let‘s explore some practical examples of leveraging ToDictionary in C#:
1. Cache frequently used data
Let‘s cache some user profile data that needs very frequent access:
public static Dictionary<int, User> userProfilesCache;
public void InitializeCache() {
// Fetch user data
List<User> userProfiles = GetUserProfiles();
userProfilesCache = userProfiles.ToDictionary(
x => x.UserId,
x => x
public User GetUser(int id) {
// Very fast lookup from cache
return userProfilesCache[id];
By caching the user data in a dictionary, we achieve O(1) lookup compared to O(N) scan of original list.
2. Store application configuration
Dictionaries work great for storing application configuration:
// Config stored as key-value pairs
var config = new Dictionary<string, string>() {
["ConnectionString"] = "Server=(local);Database=AppDb;...",
["LogDirectory"] = "/var/log/app"
// Access config values
string conStr = config["ConnectionString"];
string logDir = config["LogDirectory"];
Much easier than using primitive arrays/lists!
3. Entity relationship mapping
If database entities use ID properties as foreign keys to model relationships:
// Order has CustomerId pointing to Customer
public class Order {
public int Id {get; set;}
public int CustomerId {get; set;} // Foreign key
public class Customer {
public int Id {get; set;}
public string Name {get; set;}
We can build a dictionary to map orders to customers:
List<Order> orders;
List<Customer> customers;
// Map orders to customers
var orderMap = orders.ToDictionary(
o => o.Id,
o => customers.Find(c => c.Id == o.Order.CustomerId)
// Get customer for an order
Customer cust = orderMap[orderId];
This allows linking related entities together.
4. Grouping objects into buckets
ToDictionary can also group multiple objects under same key into buckets or categories:
List<Product> products;
var productGroups = products.ToDictionary(
p => p.Category, // group by category
p => p // list of products
// Get all Footwear products
List<Product> footwear = productGroups["Footwear"];
Here products are categorized together under each category key.
As you can see, the C# ToDictionary extension opens up many useful scenarios. It bridges between collections and dictionaries allowing transformation into a highly efficient lookup structure.
Now let‘s wrap up by consolidating some best practices when using ToDictionary…
Key ToDictionary Best Practices
Here are some key best practices to follow when using ToDictionary:
Handle duplicates properly based on requirement – ignore, merge, replace etc.
Use ToDictionary to build high performance caches and lookups. It offers O(1) access.
For relationship mapping, associate entities via ToDictionary rather than nested loops for better efficiency.
Use ToDictionary over hash-tables or dictionaries with additive logic which can get messy.
Specify custom equality comparer where default equality logic does not suffice.
Instead of arrays of tuples, use ToDictionary for intuitive accessing via meaningful keys.
Avoid iterating large lists/queries repeatedly. Convert to dictionary for reuse.
By following these best practices, you can avoid some common pitfalls and really leverage the full power of ToDictionary in your applications.
The ToDictionary extension method is an extremely useful tool for every C# developer. It bridges common collection data types like arrays and lists into the efficient dictionary structure with intuitive keyed access.
We learned the syntax, how it transforms input to dictionary output, options for handling duplicates, and several examples like caching, configuration, mapping relationships etc.
Finally, some best practices were provided to maximize leverage from the method.
I hope this comprehensive guide helps you fully unlock the capabilities of this versatile API in your own applications! Let me know if you have any other questions.