As a developer, you probably work with Git daily to version control your code. Whether you have a single local repository or many remote repositories, understanding how to reference them by name is crucial. This comprehensive guide will break down all the key ways to get Git repo names, hurdles you may hit, and best practices for repository naming.

Viewing the Local Git Repository Name

When working locally, you‘ll want to validate details about the Git repository in your current working directory. Let‘s explore the key methods to get that local repo name and path.

Using git rev-parse --show-toplevel

The git rev-parse command includes an option called --show-toplevel that prints the absolute path to the root directory of your local repo:

~/projects/myapp (main) $ git rev-parse --show-toplevel

Here we can see that this repository is called myapp based on the directory name.

According to the Git docs, rev-parse is a "Swiss army knife" for parsing and working with Git repository locations. So this flag comes in handy whenever you need to reveal where your local .git/ is stored.

This command can be helpful in scripts too if you need to programmatically determine the current repo name:

const repoName = require(‘child_process‘)  
  .execSync(‘git rev-parse --show-toplevel‘)

console.log(repoName); // "myapp"

The repo name is the last part after splitting by /.

Using git remote -v

The git remote command manages remote connections to other repositories. The -v flag stands for "verbose" and shows all the configured remotes for your repository:

~/projects/myapp (main) $ git remote -v
origin (fetch)
origin (push)

We can see here the remote named origin pointing to the GitHub repository

While git remote -v doesn‘t directly return the local name, we know logically that our local repo must be named myapp based on that remote mapping.

You could also parse the remote URL programmatically to extract just the repo name part:

const repoName = require(‘child_process‘)
  .execSync(‘git config --get remote.origin.url‘) 
  .toString().trim().split(‘/‘).pop().replace(/\.git$/, ‘‘);

console.log(repoName); // "myapp"

This technique is helpful if trying to determine the local repo name from within a CI workflow where only remote access is available.

Getting the Remote Repository Name

When working with hosted providers like GitHub and GitLab, your code is stored in a remote repository with its own name. Here are some ways to view or fetch that name.

Parsing the Remote URL

As seen above, git remote -v displays the URL for a repository. For GitHub, that URL looks like:

We can see the repository here is named my-awesome-repo. Other providers have similar URL patterns.

Instead of trying to visually parse this, we can extract just the name part using some command line fu:

git remote get-url origin | cut -d ‘/‘ -f 4   # my-awesome-repo


  • git remote get-url origin: Gets the URL for remote "origin"
  • cut -d ‘/‘ -f 4: Splits output on / taking the 4th field

The 4th slash-separated value is always the repository name.

For GitLab, this would be field 5 rather than 4:

git remote get-url origin | cut -d ‘/‘ -f 5   # my-awesome-repo

And for Bitbucket:

git remote get-url origin | cut -d ‘/‘ -f 3   # my-awesome-repo 

So this parsing pattern works across major Git hosts with that slight variation.

Using the GitHub API

For GitHub specifically, we can use the GitHub REST API to fetch metadata on our repository by constructing the URL based on the Git remote:

curl -s | jq .name

This makes a request to the GitHub API and returns just the .name field for that repo using jq.

The GitHub API also allows fetching info like open issues, stars, contributors, etc. So this is handy if you need additional data beyond the name.

GitLab and Bitbucket APIs

GitLab and Bitbucket provide similar REST APIs for querying repository metadata. The base URL would follow the same pattern – construct from the Git remote:

Then extract name or other fields as needed. Refer to each platform‘s documentation for specifics.

So in review, all major Git hosts expose APIs allowing robust repository integrations and automation around getting metadata like names.

How Repository Names Are Used Internally

Now that we‘ve covered operations to get local and remote repository names, understanding what happens under Git‘s hood can provide helpful context.

The Local .git Folder

Inside every Git repository lives a special .git subdirectory holding all the tracked objects, refs, config data, and operations to make Git work.

The outer root folder name becomes the default moniker for referring to that repository. But the .git folder is the real brains tracking code changes.

Remotes Map Names Logically

When you git clone a repository or git remote add origin https://..., you are creating a named reference between the local and remote repositories.

This remote mapping means logically they share the same name – changes can flow both ways.

So naming clarity here is crucial for maintaining project sanity!

REFERENCE – Repository anatomy diagram

Below visualizes these concept of how the local folder name maps one-to-one with remotes:

Git Repository Name Relationships

Figure: Local repositories map remotely to shared names

While technically these could use different names, this would violate conventions and badly confuse developers!

Local Versus Remote Naming

A key distinction in Git repositories is local versus remote naming. You may name repositories differently in these environments.

Local Naming Freedom

Developers enjoy flexibility when naming local repositories. Typically you‘ll base the name on the project or component inside.

But avoiding operating system reserved names like COM1 or LPT1 on Windows is wise.

Remote Naming Restrictions

Remotes placed on external hosts involve namespace restrictions:

  • GitHub: Names must be unique per user account
  • GitLab: Names must be unique per group
  • Bitbucket: Names must be unique per team

So competition for that ideal name can arise. Strategies like prefixing help.

Additionally, different servers enforce specific naming policies:

  • Allowed characters: Alpha-numeric, dashes, underscores
  • Case sensitivity: GitHub respects case, others don‘t
  • Length limits: Varies between servers

Review docs before creating remotes to avoid route blocking surprises from invalid names!

Mapped Name Mismatches

Operationally, local and remote names do not need to match exactly as Git tracks the configured mapping:

/projects/awesome-widget (main) $ git remote -v
origin (fetch)
origin (push)

Here the local name awesome-widget differs from the cool-widget-tool remote name but Git handles the glue in between.

However, this tends to confuse developers and violates naming intuition. So keeping parity conventionally is best practice.

Choosing a Naming Strategy

When creating new Git repositories, putting thought into the naming strategy pays dividends down the road. Here are some leading practices and advice around repository names:


Like all identifiers in code, names should aim to be descriptive and clearly indicate purpose.

GOOD: social-media-aggregator
BAD: proj123


Related repositories should follow a coherent organizing pattern:


Grouping similarly provides structure at scale.


Delimit repository names with dashes, underscores or periods for multi-word names:

GOOD: content-management, content_management, Content.Management
BAD: contentmanagement, contentManagement

This improves readability.


Favor short, succinct names where possible. But ensure meaning isn‘t sacrificed.

GOOD: user-auth
BAD: system-for-handling-the-authentication-of-users


Stick to lowercase repository names by convention for simplicity:

GOOD: stock-tracker
BAD: StockTracker

Some Git hosts allow case sensitive names but avoiding this extra complexity is wise, especially when developers clone locally to varying operating systems.

Handling Repository Naming Collisions

As you accumulate repositories, especially working on shared remotes, the chance of naming collisions rises. Two common techniques help avoid and mitigate this.

User/Group Name Prefixing

Prefix every repository consistently with your username, group, or organization:


This immediately distinguishes your repositories from any identical names in the global namespace.

Forking Flow

Instead of sharing one central repo that developers push to directly, use the Forking Workflow:

Git Forking Workflow

Figure: Developers fork a base repo privately before making pull requests

This gives every developer their own complete copy of a codebase repository to push commits before contributing back “upstream” via pull request.

Forking avoids naming clashes and gives more governance options.

Handling Existing Collisions

If you discover a naming collision on remotes, especially regarding popular project names, consider these options:

  • Rename locally: Alter your local clone‘s name to be distinctive
  • Rename remotely: Add your own prefix if you have admin access
  • Maintain both: Keep the duplicate name but minimize confusion

Ultimately the remote takes precedence in naming if publicly shared.

Programmatically Using Repository Names

We‘ve covered the common commands to get repository names from the command line. But when scripting Git interactions, having robust ways to parse and handle names becomes critical.

Here is a sample Node.js module for centralizing repo name usage in automation:

const { execSync } = require(‘child_process‘);

function getLocalName() {

  const toplevel = execSync(‘git rev-parse --show-toplevel‘);  
  const parts = toplevel.trim().split(‘/‘);

  return parts[parts.length - 1];


function getRemoteName() {

  const originUrl = execSync(‘git config --get remote.origin.url‘); 
  const parts = originUrl.trim().split(‘/‘);

  return parts[parts.length - 1].replace(/\.git$/, ‘‘);  


function fullPath() {

  const toplevel = execSync(‘git rev-parse --show-toplevel‘);
  return toplevel.trim();


module.exports = {

Some key takeaways:

  • Encapsulate Git interactions inside functions
  • Reuse execSync() to run various git commands
  • Parse command output to extract needed name
  • Standardize handling across scripts

Now instead of ad hoc name parsing, we have reusable tooling:

const git = require(‘./git‘);

const name = git.getLocalName(); // "myapp"  

console.log(`Cloned repo ${name} to ${git.fullPath()}`)

This repository module can expand over time to add further utility functions around working with Git.


Understanding how to get, view, and handle Git repository names is a key skill for developers Utilize these various techniques to access names locally and remotely:

  • git rev-parse --show-toplevel
  • git remote -v
  • Parse remote URLs
  • Call Git host APIs
  • Script via Node child processes

Additionally, apply naming best practices focused on clarity, structure and consistency between local and remote environments.

Following these repository naming guidelines will improve version control interaction, scripting automation, collaboration and more through your Git journey!

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