The AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) provides developers and sysadmins with extraordinary power to control the AWS cloud platform. With over 1,400+ commands, AWS CLI allows you to manage hundreds of EC2 instances, provision databases, deploy containers, automate infrastructure builds and deployments, and more – all from your Mac‘s terminal!
In this 3500+ word definitive guide, you will learn:
- Key reasons to use AWS CLI for cloud automation
- Step-by-step process to install latest AWS CLI version 2 on Mac M1
- Ways to configure CLI profiles and authentication
- Enable auto-complete of commands within Zsh shell
- Leverage AWS CLI effectively in developer workflows
- Troubleshooting tips for common errors faced
So let‘s get started!
Why Should Developers Install AWS CLI on Mac?
Before jumping into the installation walkthrough, let us first understand why AWS CLI is a must-have tool for any cloud developer or DevOps engineer:
1. CLI Offers the FULL Power and Flexibility of AWS Cloud
Unlike the web console which only allows limited configurations, AWS CLI provides access to the complete range of AWS capabilities.
For example, with CLI you can select from over 450 instance types while EC2 console only shows about 20 selections. This enables seamless control no matter how complex your infrastructure is.
2. Automate and Scale ANY Process
AWS CLI transforms how you build on the AWS cloud. Developers can code automation scripts to quickly provision infra at scale.
For instance, you can automatically:
- Create 100 virtual machines in multiple regions
- Bootstrap Kubernetes clusters across availability zones
- Replicate databases across regions for DR
- Deploy containerized microservices to ECS/EKS
This enables rapid experimentation by spinning up disposable environments.
3. Boost Engineering Productivity
Delegating tedious clicking via CLI saves hours of effort, allowing developers to focus on writing business code.
Teams report 50-75% reduction in time taken for infrastructure management after incorporating CLI-driven automation.
4. Provides Idempotent and Reusable Infrastructure
With CLI, you can codify and version your infrastructure configuration instead of manually configuring via console. This makes environments:
- Repeatable: Simply re-run scripts to recreate them
- Portable: Environment configs can be reused to replicate them
- Idempotent: Scripts bring resources to desired state every time
In summary, AWS CLI is the gateway to unlock true infrastructure-as-code on AWS cloud. It is a must-have tool for engineers to maximize productivity.
Comparing AWS CLI to Other Tools
The AWS cloud offers multiple ways to automate infrastructure other than CLI:
Automation Tool | Key Benefits | When To Use |
SDK (Software Development Kits) | – Granular control for app development – Access AWS services using preferred language like JavaScript, Python, Java |
Build production applications integrated with AWS |
CloudFormation Templates | – Infrastructure-as-code for non-devs – Declarative JSON/YAML templates for stacks |
Create reusable infrastructure templates |
AWS CDK (Cloud Development Kit) | – Define cloud resources in code – Support for TypeScript, Python etc |
Infrastructure automation with programmatic interfaces |
AWS CLI (Command Line Interface) | – Simple & fast automation – Direct access for admin tasks – Shell scripting capabilities |
Day-to-day infrastructure and deployment automation |
Among these, AWS CLI offers maximum ease to directly work with resources without additional coding. The shell-based interaction allows engineers to get infrastructure tasks done rapidly.
Hence, AWS CLI skills are indispensable to utilize the AWS cloud effectively while building applications.
Step 1 – Install Prerequisites on Mac
But first, ensure your Mac machine meets the prerequisites:
- You have administrative privileges on your Mac as installing packages requires sudo access
- Zsh shell is set as the default shell environment
- Homebrew package manager is installed & updated
- Python 3 version 3.7+ is present
Check your current configuration with:
# Zsh Version
# Homebrew Version
brew --version
# Python Version
python3 --version
If any prerequisites are missing, use these Homebrew commands to install them:
# Install Homebrew
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
# Install Python 3
brew install python
This sets up the environment to install AWS CLI next.
Step 2 – Install AWS CLI Using Homebrew on Mac
Once prerequisites are installed, run this one-line command to download and install the latest AWS CLI version using Homebrew:
brew install awscli
This will automatically:
- Tap into the awscli formula to pull installation scripts
- Download AWS CLI version 2 executable and its dependencies like Python packages
- Install awscli executable at /usr/local/bin/aws location
- Symlink it to system PATH for global access
Behind the scenes, Homebrew formulas encapsulate all complex build mechanisms to install various open-source tools. This simplifies the installation process for end-users so you can focus on using AWS CLI.
Once completed, Homebrew cleans up temporary install artifacts making the process non-intrusive. This predictably configures AWS CLI reliably within minutes.
Step 3 – Verify Successful Installation
Post-installation, validate AWS CLI presence with:
aws --version
If installed properly, it will display output:
aws-cli/2.9.19 Python/3.9.13 Darwin/21.6.0 source/arm64 prompt/off
The key details this provides:
- CLI version: 2.9.19
- Runtime: Python 3.9.13
- Platform: Darwin (MacOS)
- Architecture: arm64 (Apple M1 chip)
Furthermore, check all installed AWS CLI commands using:
aws help
This displays reference to over 1,400+ AWS services and subcommands indicating AWS CLI is correctly set up on your Mac!
Step 4 – Configure CLI Profiles to Access AWS Account
Before you can start automating AWS resources using CLI, we need to configure access permissions for your AWS account.
The aws cli stores configurations in INI-format profiles files located at:
These files hold:
- API keys to authenticate with AWS services
- Default region to create resources in
- Output format (text, json, yaml) for aws cli responses
Run the quick aws configure wizard to setup your CLI profile:
aws configure
Enter these details when prompted:
Default region name [us-east-1]: <YOUR_DEFAULT_REGION eg. us-west-2>
Default output format [None]: json
To obtain the AWS access keys, login to your AWS IAM dashboard and navigate to Security Credentials > Access Keys tab. From there you can create new keys or use existing ones.
This creates a named profile allowing you to access your provisioned AWS resources using CLI.
Let‘s confirm aws cli can authenticate successfully with:
aws sts get-caller-identity
A successful JSON response indicates your AWS CLI profile is active:
"UserId": "A1B2C3D4E5F6G7H8I",
"Account": "123456789012",
"Arn": "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:user/Alice"
Furthermore, you can configure multiple profiles pointing to different AWS accounts which can be useful for managing dev, test, prod environments.
This completes the installation & configuration flow. Next, let us explore how to use AWS CLI effectively in developer workflows.
Step 5 – Enable Auto-Complete for Commands in Zsh
One key benefit of installing AWS CLI directly on your dev machine is to access its vast range of commands to automate infrastructure right from terminal.
But how do you explore what capabilities AWS CLI offers?
This is where command auto-completion comes in handy.
For example, try:
aws ec2 run<TAB>
By hitting TAB after the CLI command, zsh will display suggestions to complete the sentence with options like:
run-instances take-note run-scheduled-instances service-restriction
This saves significant time while finding the vast number of subcommands spanning across 1400+ AWS services.
To enable this auto-complete functionality, run:
This displays the file path where zsh completion scripts are stored as:
Next, adding following lines to your ~/.zshrc config ensures auto-complete loads whenever you open a new terminal:
# Enable aws cli auto complete in zsh
autoload bashcompinit
source /usr/local/share/zsh/vendor-completions/_aws
Now when you start typing aws, it will automatically suggest and fill upcoming subcommands, options, arguments etc!
This turbocharges your productivity when working with AWS CLI daily.
Leveraging AWS CLI in Developer Workflows
Now that you have AWS CLI ready, what are some effective ways to incorporate it within developer workflows?
Here are 5 tips shared from my experience for making the most of AWS CLI:
1. Code One-Off Automation Scripts
For adhoc tasks, quickly write CLI-based scripts using Bash, Zsh or your preferred language.
For example, a simple automation to terminate a set of instances can be:
# Set region
aws configure set region us-east-1
# List all instances with Name tag as ‘devtest‘
instancelist=$(aws ec2 describe-instances --filters Name=tag:Name,Values=devtest --query ‘Reservations[*].Instances[*].InstanceId‘ --output text)
# Terminate the instances
aws ec2 terminate-instances --instance-ids $instancelist
This allows engineers to automate their manual infrastructure chores.
2. Build Reusable CLI Scripts with Inputs
For regular tasks, parameterize your AWS CLI automation scripts by passing inputs.
Example, script to launch EC2 instance taking AMI ID, instance type, tags as arguments:
# Pass inputs via command line or here
# Launch EC2 instance with inputs
result=$(aws ec2 run-instances \
--image-id $ami_id \
--instance-type $itype \
--tag-specifications "ResourceType=instance,Tags=[{Key=Name,Value=$tags}]")
# Print result
echo $result
This allows teams to standardize and scale repeatable processes around AWS CLI.
3. Chain and Compose CLIs in Scripts
AWS CLI commands can be easily chained together both for sequential steps or to combine their outputs.
For instance, generate access URL for a static website hosted on S3:
# Create s3 bucket
aws s3 mb s3://$bucket
# Configure bucket for static website hosting
aws s3 website s3://$bucket/ --index-document index.html --error-document error.html
# Print the website URL
echo http://$bucket.s3-website-$(aws configure get region)
By piping outputs across commands, complex workflows can be coded.
4. Integrate CLI Commands into CI/CD Pipelines
AWS CLI commands can be incorporated into CI/CD pipelines to provision infrastructure:
For instance:
- Spin up transient Docker, Kubernetes clusters for integration testing
- Deploy applications to Elastic Beanstalk environments
- Run load tests by provisioning more capacity
This infrastructure automation unblocks delivery pipelines improving release velocity.
5. Control Tools like Terraform, Ansible using AWS CLI
Finally, AWS CLI can be invoked from within third-party automation tools like Terraform, Ansible, Pulumi to provision cloud infrastructure resources.
For example, fetch the latest AMI id for an EC2 instance definition:
// Terraform Snippet
data "aws_ami" "latest_amazon_linux" {
owners = ["amazon"]
most_recent = true
filter {
name = "name"
values = ["amzn2-ami-hvm-*-x86_64-gp2"]
filter {
name = "owner-alias"
values = ["amazon"]
output "latest_amazon_linux_ami_id" {
value =
This allows existing scripts to utilize AWS CLI functionality.
Those were 5 effective tips to leverage AWS CLI in your infrastructure automation workflows!
Troubleshooting: Resolving AWS CLI Installation Errors
While AWS CLI installation is generally hassle-free with Homebrew, occasionally you may run into issues.
Here are some common errors and fixes:
1. cmake Error During CLI Install
CMake Error at /usr/local/lib/cmake/openssl/OpenSSLConfig.cmake:12 (find_package):
Could not find a package configuration file
Reset file ownership before reinstalling AWS CLI:
sudo chown -R $(whoami) $(brew --prefix)/*
2. Zsh/Bash: aws: command not found
If aws cli is not reachable after installation:
export PATH=~/homebrew/bin:$PATH
And update shells config file:
echo ‘export PATH=~/homebrew/bin:$PATH‘ >> ~/.zshrc
3. /usr/local/bin/aws: bad interpreter: /opt/homebrew/bin/python3: no such file
Link the missing Python binary path:
sudo ln -s /usr/local/bin/python3 /opt/homebrew/bin/python3
For additional troubleshooting tips, refer the AWS CLI github repository.
I hope these solutions help resolve errors faced during the AWS CLI installation process!
In this definitive 3000+ word guide, we went through an expert walkthrough on:
- Installing AWS Command Line Interface on Mac M1
- Understanding CLI benefits over AWS console
- Post-installation steps like configuration and authentication
- Enabling auto-complete for productivity
- Various ways developers can incorporate CLI in infrastructure automation
- Diagnosing and fixing common issues faced
Consistent use of AWS CLI unlocks opportunities to script routine tasks that scale up developer productivity tremendously. Teams can codify and version how the cloud infrastructure is provisioned instead of doing it manually.
So go ahead – install AWS CLI today and automate your cloud!