Installing the latest NVIDIA drivers on Debian 11 desktop allows you to unlock the full potential of your NVIDIA GPU. However, the default open-source Nouveau drivers that come pre-installed with Debian 11 are usually quite old. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the entire process of installing the latest official NVIDIA drivers on a Debian 11 desktop step-by-step.


Before you proceed, make sure your system meets the following requirements:

  • Debian 11 operating system installed
  • An NVIDIA GPU installed on your machine
  • Secure Boot disabled in BIOS settings
  • Internet connection to download packages

Step 1 – Remove Old NVIDIA Drivers (If Any)

If you already have the NVIDIA drivers installed from Debian 11 repositories, uninstall them first:

sudo apt remove --purge ‘^nvidia-‘
sudo apt autoremove

This will remove all the existing NVIDIA packages from your system.

Step 2 – Enable Contrib and Non-Free Repositories

The latest NVIDIA drivers require some packages from the contrib and non-free repositories of Debian. So you need to enable them first:

sudo apt install software-properties-common
sudo add-apt-repository contrib
sudo add-apt-repository non-free  

This will enable both contrib and non-free repositories permanently.

Step 3 – Update Package Index

With the repositories enabled, update the APT package index to reflect the changes:

sudo apt update

Step 4 – Install Compiler Toolchain and Dependencies

To compile and install NVIDIA drivers, you need to install the compiler toolchain and required dependencies:

sudo apt install build-essential dkms linux-headers-$(uname -r)

The compiler toolchain includes GCC, make and other essential packages required for building kernel modules.

Step 5 – Download Latest NVIDIA Drivers

Now head over to the NVIDIA Driver Downloads page and select the latest driver version that supports your GPU from the drop-down list.

For example, if you have an RTX 3080 Ti, select the latest Game Ready driver listed there. Finally click on Download to get the .run installation file.

Step 6 – Switch to Console

Before installing NVIDIA drivers, you need to exit the GUI session. Press Ctrl + Alt + F3 to switch to console. Then login with your user credentials.

Step 7 – Disable Nouveau

The open-source Nouveau drivers often conflict with the official NVIDIA drivers. So it‘s better to disable Nouveau first:

sudo mkdir /etc/modprobe.d
echo "blacklist nouveau" | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/nvidia-blacklist.conf
echo "options nouveau modeset=0" | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/nvidia-blacklist.conf

Step 8 – Install NVIDIA Drivers

Navigate to the downloads folder where the NVIDIA .run file is saved and make it executable:

cd ~/downloads
chmod +x

Finally execute the file to initiate driver installation:

sudo ./
  • Press Enter to continue when prompted
  • Accept the EULA when asked
  • Select Yes to automatically update xorg.conf file
  • Select Yes to rebuild initramfs image
  • Once Done, restart system to load new NVIDIA drivers

Step 9 – Restore GUI Target

Once your system reboots, switch back to GUI session:

sudo systemctl set-default

Your Debian desktop should now boot straight into the graphical UI.

Step 10 – Verify Installation

To verify that NVIDIA drivers have installed properly, run:


This should show details about your NVIDIA GPU without any errors.

You can also check by running GPU accelerated applications like a OpenGL game or CUDA compute task.

And that‘s it! You now have the latest NVIDIA graphics drivers installed on your Debian 11 desktop. Have fun gaming or creating AI models!

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