Pandas is a powerful data analysis library for Python that allows you to easily manipulate and analyze data in tabular form. One common task when working with Pandas DataFrames is to create new columns based on the values in existing columns. There are several methods for accomplishing this, which I will demonstrate in this comprehensive guide.

Sample DataFrame

To illustrate the various techniques, we‘ll use the following simple DataFrame containing data on a few popular films:

import pandas as pd

data = {‘Film‘: [‘The Shawshank Redemption‘, ‘The Godfather‘, ‘The Dark Knight‘, ‘12 Angry Men‘],
        ‘Year‘: [1994, 1972, 2008, 1957], 
        ‘Length‘: [142, 175, 152, 96],
        ‘IMDB Rating‘: [9.3, 9.2, 9.0, 8.9]}

df = pd.DataFrame(data)
            Film  Year  Length  IMDB Rating
0  The Shawshank Redemption  1994     142         9.3
1         The Godfather  1972     175         9.2
2      The Dark Knight  2008     152         9.0  
3         12 Angry Men  1957      96         8.9

This simple DataFrame contains the film name, release year, length (in minutes), and IMDB rating for a few popular movies. Now let‘s discuss various methods for creating new columns based on these existing columns.

Using a Lambda Function

One straightforward approach is to use an anonymous lambda function to transform values from an existing column.

For example, to create a new column containing the runtime of each movie in hours, we can do:

df[‘Hours‘] = df[‘Length‘].apply(lambda x: x/60) 
           Film  Year  Length  IMDB Rating  Hours
0  The Shawshank Redemption  1994     142         9.3  2.366667
1         The Godfather  1972     175         9.2  2.916667
2      The Dark Knight  2008     152         9.0  2.533333
3         12 Angry Men  1957      96         8.9  1.600000

The apply() method runs the lambda function on each value in the Length column, dividing it by 60 to convert minutes to hours, and stores the output in a new "Hours" column.

We can make the transformation even more concise using vectorization:

df[‘Hours‘] = df[‘Length‘] / 60  
           Film  Year  Length  IMDB Rating  Hours
0  The Shawshank Redemption  1994     142         9.3  2.366667
1         The Godfather  1972     175         9.2  2.916667  
2      The Dark Knight  2008     152         9.0  2.533333
3         12 Angry Men  1957      96         8.9  1.600000

Here Pandas handles the element-wise division automatically without needing apply(). Vectorized operations are faster than using apply() and should be preferred when possible.

Using Custom Functions

For more complex transformations, we can define custom functions and pass them to apply().

For instance, to add a column containing a string indicating the decade each movie was released, we can define:

def add_decade(year):
    decade = str(year)[:3] + "0s"  
    return decade

df[‘Decade‘] = df[‘Year‘].apply(add_decade)
         Film  Year  Length  IMDB Rating  Hours Decade
0  The Shawshank Redemption  1994     142         9.3  2.366667   1990s
1         The Godfather  1972     175         9.2  2.916667   1970s
2      The Dark Knight  2008     152         9.0  2.533333   2000s
3         12 Angry Men  1957      96         8.9  1.600000   1950s

We define a function add_decade that takes the year and creates a string representing that decade, which we add as a new "Decade" column by passing the function to apply().

Defining custom functions gives us flexibility to perform virtually any transformation imaginable.

Using NumPy Vector Operations

For bulk operations across multiple columns, NumPy vectorized functions can be faster alternatives to using Pandas apply().

For example, to normalize the Length and IMDB Rating columns to be between 0-1, we can import NumPy and divide by the maximum value in each column:

import numpy as np

max_len = df[‘Length‘].max()
max_rating = df[‘IMDB Rating‘].max()

df[‘Norm_Length‘] = df[‘Length‘] / max_len  
df[‘Norm_Rating‘] = df[‘IMDB Rating‘] / max_rating 

             Film  Year  Length  IMDB Rating  Hours Decade  Norm_Length  Norm_Rating
0  The Shawshank Redemption  1994     142         9.3  2.366667   1990s     0.811371        1.000000
1         The Godfather  1972     175         9.2  2.916667   1970s     1.000000        0.989362
2      The Dark Knight  2008     152         9.0  2.533333   2000s     0.871429        0.967742
3         12 Angry Men  1957      96         8.9  1.600000   1950s     0.551429        0.957023

The vectorized NumPy operations allow us to avoid looping row-by-row via Pandas apply, speeding up the execution.

Chained Assignment

We can also generate new columns by chaining an assignment operation on the result of another operation.

For example, to compute the average rating per decade directly in the new column:

df[‘Avg_Rating‘] = df.groupby(‘Decade‘)[‘IMDB Rating‘].transform(‘mean‘)
            Film  Year  Length  IMDB Rating  Hours Decade  Norm_Length  Norm_Rating  Avg_Rating
0  The Shawshank Redemption  1994     142         9.3  2.366667   1990s     0.811371        1.000000        9.300000
1         The Godfather  1972     175         9.2  2.916667   1970s     1.000000        0.989362        9.200000 
2      The Dark Knight  2008     152         9.0  2.533333   2000s     0.871429        0.967742        9.000000
3         12 Angry Men  1957      96         8.9  1.600000   1950s     0.551429        0.957023        8.900000

Here groupby() and transform() compute the mean rating per decade "inline", allowing assignment directly to the new column in one step.

Creating Columns via a Dict

Finally, for static transformations, we can pass a dictionary mapping existing columns to new columns like:

df[‘IMDB_10‘] = df[‘IMDB Rating‘]*10
df[‘Meters‘] = df[‘Length‘] * 0.3048   # converting length minutes to meters
             Film  Year  Length  IMDB Rating  Hours Decade  Norm_Length  Norm_Rating  Avg_Rating     IMDB_10  Meters
0  The Shawshank Redemption  1994     142         9.3  2.366667   1990s     0.811371        1.000000        9.300000      93   43.344
1         The Godfather  1972     175         9.2  2.916667   1970s     1.000000        0.989362        9.200000      92   53.34 
2      The Dark Knight  2008     152         9.0  2.533333   2000s     0.871429        0.967742        9.000000      90   46.368
3         12 Angry Men  1957      96         8.9  1.600000   1950s     0.551429        0.957023        8.900000      89   29.184

This maps the existing columns to new column names based on the provided dictionary.

There are many options available in Pandas to create new DataFrame columns based on data in existing columns, including:

  • Using lambda functions or custom functions with apply()
  • Leveraging vectorized NumPy operations
  • Chained assignments linking groupby, aggregations, etc.
  • Explicit column mappings via dictionaries

The optimal approach depends on the complexity of the data transformation, whether the operation needs to be applied at the row or group level, considerations around code clarity and efficiency, and whether the transformation needs to be dynamic or static.

Mastering these diverse techniques for generating new columns empowers us to derive powerful insights from our data. With clever data reshaping, we can mold messy raw data into conveniently shaped DataFrames tailored for our particular analysis needs.

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