As a full-stack developer, processing complex nested data structures is a frequent challenge. PySpark provides useful abstractions for wrangling these structures, especially its native support for array columns in DataFrames. However, knowing when and how to properly "explode" array columns can be confusing.

In this comprehensive 4k word guide, we’ll demystify PySpark’s explode() and explode_outer() functions to help expert developers utilize them for real-world array processing tasks.

Why Arrays Matter in Modern Data Stack

As an experienced developer, you likely work with array data all the time. Modern data increasingly has more varied and nested structures from diverse sources:

  • Multi-value categorical features in ML datasets
  • Timeseries with repeated events
  • Log message arrays from distributed systems
  • Impression lists in advertising data
  • JSON event data with nested attributes

This nested data is convenient to handle initial loading and storage. However, downstream analysis, reporting, and ML often requires "flattening" into a tabular format.

Arrays in particular can capture multiple values per record uniquely. But effectively analyzing arrays requires unpacking them across rows first.

Let‘s look at some real examples:

Product Recommendation Data

|user_id  |recent_clicks      |
|101      |[prodA, prodC]     |  
|102      |[prodA, prodB]     |

Timeseries Sensor Events

|sensor_id|temperature_change_events    |
|s1       |[0.5, 0.2, -0.1]             |  
|s2       |[-0.4, 0.34]                 |  

Customer Watchtime History

|customer_id |video_watch_sessions      | 
|c1          |[15.3min, 11.7min, 2min]  |
|c2          |[5min]                    |

In all cases, these arrays capture valuable data needing analysis:

  • Number of recent product clicks
  • Frequency of sensor events
  • Video engagement distribution

But running summaries or downstream ML requires first "exploding" arrays into rows properly.

This is where PySpark’s in-built explode() and explode_outer() functions shine!

Overview of Array Handling Differences: PySpark vs Pandas

Before we dig deeper, it‘s useful to contrast PySpark’s array handling with a more familiar Python tool like Pandas since the behavior differs.

Pandas has basic support for lists across cells but requires workarounds to handle explosions robustly. With PySpark’s native JVM optimizations, array columns and their transformations are first-class citizens.

Array Handling Differences

Operation PySpark Pandas
Define Array Column ArrayType construct No native column type, cast lists
Access Elements df.array_column[0] df[‘list‘].iloc[0]
Append Elements array_append(df.array_col, "new") df[‘list‘].apply(lambda x: x.append("new"))
Encode Arrays explode/explode_outer built-in Requires custom apply() logic
Performance Optimized native manipulation Slower iteration over Python objects

The key takeaway is that PySpark handles complex nested data without performance penalties. For advanced analytics at scale, PySpark’s array support is critical!

With the basics covered, let‘s now examine the explode() and explode_outer() functions specifically.

Understanding PySpark‘s explode() Function

The explode(col) function in PySpark unpacks an array column into separate rows for each non-null element.

For example:

from pyspark.sql.functions import explode, explode(df.array_col)).show() 
| id|   col  |
|1  |value1  |
|1  |value2  |
|2  |value3  |
|3  |null    |   

This "explodes" array_col into individual rows, repeating the id on each row.

Some key behaviors of explode():

  • Null array values produce no row
  • Order of array elements is preserved
  • Parent rows are duplicated for each output element
  • Only one array element mapped per output row

Real-World Use Case: User Clickstream Analysis

For example, in a retail clickstream dataset we could have user sessions with products viewed:


|user_id   |session_products_viewed|  
|user_a    |[toy_car, laptop, soda]|    
|user_b    |[soda, cat_food]       |  
|user_c    |[]                     |  

To analyze products per view, explode session_products_viewed:, explode(df.session_products_viewed))


|user_id   |   product   |
|user_a    |toy_car      |     
|user_a    |laptop       |
|user_a    |soda         |
|user_b    |soda         |    
|user_b    |cat_food     |   

Now product views can be aggregated at the user-level, counted distinct products per session, etc. Much easier than iterating over rows in Pandas!

Understanding PySpark‘s explode_outer() Function

The explode_outer(col) method does the same transformation but crucially does not drop rows with null array values.

Instead, null value rows are kept with null outputs:

from pyspark.sql.functions import explode_outer, explode_outer(df.array_col)).show()
| id|   col  |  
|1  |value1  | 
|1  |value2  |
|2  |value3  |
|3  |**null**|  <-- null row kept

Key behaviors of explode_outer():

  • Null arrays emit an output row with null rather than dropping
  • Order of elements preserved
  • Rows duplicated for non-null values
  • Null values from arrays persisted

Use Case: Session Analysis with Missing Values

Expanding our clickstream example from earlier, we may need to tally views per product, handling missing product arrays distinctly from 0 views.

Input data with nulls:

|user_id   |products_viewed        |
|user_a    |[toy_car, soda]        |  
|user_b    |[]                     |
|user_c    |[laptop, soda]         |   

Using explode_outer() properly counts user_b with 0 product views separately:

from pyspark.sql.functions import explode_outer, explode_outer(df.products_viewed))

# Outputs:
# +---------+-----+ 
# | product | cnt |
# +---------+-----+
# | toy_car |   1 |
# | laptop  |   1 | 
# | soda    |   2 | 
# | null    |   1 | <-- user_b counted here
# +---------+-----+

The null counts let us distinguish between missing data vs. 0 value events.

Comparing explode() vs explode_outer()

Now that we‘ve seen examples of explode() and explode_outer() usage, let‘s directly compare their behaviors to know when to use each:


Metric explode() explode_outer()
Null Array Row Handling Drops Entire Row Keeps Row, Null Value
Order Maintenance Keeps Array Order Keeps Array Order
Row Replication Duplicates Row Per Non-Null Element Duplicates Row For Non-Null Values

Use Cases:

Function When To Use
explode() Only want non-null array values
Filter out empty arrays
Order of elements matters
Need to duplicate parent rows
explode_outer() Must handle missing/empty arrays distinctly
Preserve all rows including null arrays
Order of elements matters
Need row duplication only for non-null values

So in summary:

  • explode_outer() is more inclusive – it retains empty array rows
  • explode() drops rows with empty arrays entirely

Understanding this key difference allows you to leverage both approaches based on your specific analysis needs.

Visual Example

Here is a simple visual illustrating how the two transformations differ on a small exploded DataFrame:

Input DataFrame

id array_col
1 [A, B]
2 []
3 [C]

explode() Applied

id col
1 A
1 B
3 C

explode_outer() Applied

id col
1 A
1 B
2 null
3 C

You can see explode_outer() crucially keeps the null array row rather than dropping it.

Advanced Tactics for Expert Developers

Now that we have covered the basics, let‘s discuss some more advanced tactics expert PySpark developers use to work with array explosions effectively:

Preserve Additional Identifier Columns

When exploding arrays, you duplicating rows associated with each array value. You often want to track additional columns to identify the input row, such as:

  • Primary key ID
  • Parent grouping column like user_id
  • Session id or other analytics ids

For example, adding session_id:

from pyspark.sql.functions import explode, df.user_id, explode(df.viewed_products))

Adds two identifying columns, then unpacks the array.

Explode Multiple Arrays Simultaneously

Data frames can have multiple array columns needing explosion. Use separate explode() statements for each:

from pyspark.sql.functions import explode, 

This is efficient and avoids complex nested SELECT query logic.

Filter Before Exploding

Exploding array columns causes a drastic increase in number of rows driving up memory usage. So pre-filter rows as much as possible first:


Here rows without arrays are excluded before exploding to minimize totals.

Caching Exploded Outputs

Another optimization experts utilize is caching the post-explosion DataFrame using .cache().

This persists the result in memory for much faster reuse. Helpful when running multiple aggregations:

from pyspark.sql.functions import explode  

exploded_df ="element"))


Re-use exploded DataFrame without re-computation.

Caching should be used judiciously based on data sizes and task complexity. But it is an invaluable tool for optimizing multiple array-heavy workloads.

Performance Impact of Array Explosions

A key concern when handling array expansions is the performance impact, especially for massive production data volumes. Spark‘s optimized runtime engine is designed to handle these workloads performantly but there are still best practices we can follow.

Let‘s examine some key considerations:


  • Data Shuffle – Explosion forces a shuffle by re-partitioning array elements across workers. Minimize with filtering.
  • Output Size – Expanded rows increase storage footprint. Can cause OOM errors.
  • Task Load – More rows for Spark to coordinate increases job time.


  • Pre-filter rows before exploding to limit scale explosion
  • Use coalesce(numPartitions) to constrain shuffle partitions
  • Optimize Spark memory tuning for increased data volume
  • Cache exploded DataFrames where possible to avoid re-computation

Here is a real example to illustrate the performance impact. Given input data:

Order ID Items Purchased
1 [A, B, C]
2 [D]
3 []

With 100k total rows, array sizes average 2 items each.

Exploding arrays causes ~2x output rows:

initRows: 100,000 
outputRows: 100,000 * AvgArraySize 
                = 100,000 * 2 = 200,000 rows  

So the operation doubles the data volume that Spark needs to shuffle and store in memory.

Performance impact varies based on data characteristics but explosions commonly increase processing 2-5x. But PySpark‘s engine handles it more efficiently than alternatives.

Following the best practices outlined earlier mitigates most slowdowns. As well, the business value unlocked often outweighs minor performance tradeoff. But sensitivity analysis is still wise.

Now that we covered array handling comprehensively – let’s recap the key learnings.

Recapping Best Practices

We covered a lot of ground on arrays in PySpark! Here are expert-level best practices to utilize explode() and explode_outer() effectively:

  • Pre-filter rows before exploding to limit row count explosions
  • Cache exploded DataFrames to avoid shuffle re-computation
  • Add identifier columns when duplicating rows to track origin
  • Use separate explode() statements for multiple array columns
  • Explode arrays early to simplify analysis logic in workflows
  • Account for performance impact in production jobs

And most crucially:

  • Use explode() when you only want non-null array values
  • Use explode_outer() when you need to preserve null array rows


PySpark‘s native array column support and purpose-built explode functions excel at handling nested data for analysis. Unique compared to Python alternatives, PySpark‘s array transformations unlock deeper analytics.

As an expert developer, mastering arrays early on elevates your ability to wrangle messy production data effortlessly. Next time you encounter arrays in Spark, leverage this guide to explode() them like a pro!

I hope you found this comprehensive reference useful. Please leave any questions below!

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