Random boolean values are useful across a wide range of domains, from statistics and probabilistic modeling, to cryptography, gaming, and beyond. By leveraging Python‘s built-in randomness capabilities, it becomes easy to integrate realistic unpredictability into applications and systems.

This comprehensive guide explores techniques, use cases, theory, and best practices for generating random true/false variables in Python.


This guide will cover:

  • What problem random booleans help solve
  • Key use cases and examples of applications
  • Four simple methods for generating booleans randomly
  • Performance benchmarks & analysis for the options
  • Ensuring statistical quality – theory & limitations
  • Seeding the RNG – controlling randomness
  • Thread-safety and multi-processing
  • How it works in NumPy, SciPy and other libs
  • Comparison with JavaScript implementations
  • Guidance on choosing the right method

By the end, you‘ll have an in-depth understanding of how to properly generate unpredictable booleans in Python.

The Problem and Use Cases

Computers are deterministic – generally if you run the same code twice, you‘ll get the same output. So generating useful randomness is important for many areas:

Statistics & Probabilistic Modeling
Sampling and simulating phenomena with inherent randomness like coin flips, molecular motion, biological processes and uncertain environments.

Gaming & Visualizations
Games (digital and board), visual effects, and simulations need random elements so they are compelling and feel more natural.

Cryptography & Cybersecurity
Generating hard-to-guess secret keys and salts for encryption, hashes and access control mechanisms.

Smart Testing & Fuzzing
Fuzz or property based testing feeds random input data into programs to find edge cases and bugs.

Machine Learning & AI
Some decision making systems utilize randomness for exploration, better generalizability and non-determinism just like humans.

There are endless other specialized use cases across industries and domains. At their core, they all leverage randomness to mimic nature and avoid predictability.

And generating standalone random true/false variables serves as the basic building block for many of these more complex systems. By mastering it directly, you unlock the ability to focus on higher order problems.

Four Methods to Generate Random Booleans in Python

Python‘s random module provides functions for getting random bits or numbers that can be adapted to get booleans easily.

Let‘s explore some options with code examples:

1. getrandbits()

import random

r_bits = random.getrandbits(1) # Get 1 random bit 
r_bool = bool(r_bits)        # Convert bit to bool

print(r_bool) # Prints random true/false

By requesting just 1 random bit from getrandbits(), we get either a 0 or 1 that can be passed directly to bool() to convert to a boolean.


  • Very fast and efficient.
  • Simple and straightforward.


  • Not as clear as directly using True/False.

2. choice()

import random

options = [True, False]
r_bool = random.choice(options)  

print(r_bool) # Prints random true/false

Here we leverage choice() to select randomly between a list containing True and False.


  • Easy to read and understand.
  • Directly generates booleans.


  • Slightly slower than getrandbits()

3. Comparing random()

import random

r = random.random() 
r_bool = r > 0.5  

print(r_bool) # Prints random true/false

By comparing the float from random() against a threshold, we get a random boolean based on that condition.


  • Only uses base Python random functionality.


  • Requires extra logic.
  • Floating point math can cause inconsistencies.

4. randint()

import random 

r_int = random.randint(0,1)
r_bool = bool(r_int)  

print(r_bool) # Prints random true/false

When we constrain randint() between 0 and 1, it generates the integer we need to convert to a boolean.


  • Simple technique.
  • Good performance.


  • Extra step to cast int to bool.

As we can see, most differences come down to code style – but all can generate randomness adequately. Next let‘s dig deeper into qualities like statistical variation.

Statistical Analysis of Boolean Generation Methods

In addition to how simple a method is to implement, we care about the statistical quality and bias of its randomness. No source of randomness is truly perfect or uniform, but we want to minimize bias.

To test for statistical quality, we can simulate many thousands of iterations of each option and visualize the proportion of true vs false over time. A fair 50/50 split is ideal.

Here is Python code to run 10,000 iterations per method and plot histograms showing the distribution:

import random
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Simulate 10,000 for each method
dist_getrandbits = [bool(random.getrandbits(1)) for i in range(10000)] 
dist_choice = [random.choice([True, False]) for i in range(10000)]
dist_random = [random.random() > 0.5 for i in range(10000)]
dist_randint = [bool(random.randint(0, 1)) for i in range(10000)]

# Plot histograms of true/false splits  




And here are the histogram results:

Histograms showing close to 50/50 split for all methods

We can see all four methods result in a Boolean split that converges on 50% true / 50% false over 10,000 iterations. No major bias exists in any approach.

By simulating over longer durations we could detect subtle biases by looking at divergence from 50/50. And alternative visualization methods like QQ plots could show distribution shape issues.

But these high level histograms provide solid evidence that all four Boolean generation techniques give statistically fair randomness for most purposes.

In cryptographic applications we may need to take the extra step of extracting randomness from secure sources like /dev/urandom. But for general usage cases, Python‘s random module gives sufficient statistical quality.

Seeding Randomness for Reproducible Results

One downside of true randomness is results aren‘t reproducible. Running the same program twice can yield different outcomes thanks to the randomness.

In machine learning, analytics, simulation and other domains, we may wish to control randomness across runs for reproducibility. Especially when developing and iterating.

Python provides a simple mechanism for this by letting us seed the random number generator using random.seed().

By seeding with a specific number, we can ensure runs use the same sequence of pseudo-randomness, while still appearing noise-like:

import random

# Sets seed based on arbitrary number

for i in range(5):
    print(random.choice([True, False]))

# Repeat script will have same output  

Now every run seeded with 10 will use the same random sequence. We regain reproducibility without losing randomness qualities.

This works thanks to pseudo-random number generation (PRNG) algorithms that can recreate complex deterministic patterns from a starting seed. Underlying PRNG formulas like Mersenne Twister are why we can get billions of statistically solid random() outputs from a 32-bit seed.

And in distributed systems, setting identical seeds across processes means they stay in sync. For example multiple PyTorch training runs can receive the same batch sampling.

So while true randomness has advantages, seeded pseudo-randomness lends itself better to testing, simulation and repeated experiments. Both have roles depending on context.

Thread-Safety and Parallel Execution

An important consideration for some systems is that Python‘s random module utilizes a global state. This means all randomness calls share the same underlying generator instance.

This introduces challenges when using randomization in multi-threaded and multi-process architectures. Concurrent access across threads/processes risks state corruption.

To circumvent this, dedicate separate Random instances to each thread. The random module provides Random objects for this usage:

from random import Random

# Unique RNG per thread 
local_rng = Random()  

# Isolates state from other threads
print(local_rng.choice([True, False])  

By avoiding the global module instance, it eliminates concurrency issues. For multi-process distributed systems, dedicated Random objects mapped uniquely to each process also avoids shared state across nodes.

This best practice applies not just for booleans but whenever using the random API in parallel systems. Testing for thread-safety remains important.

NumPy & SciPy Random Boolean Generation

Beyond base Python, NumPy and SciPy also provide mechanisms for generating random booleans for scientific computing use cases:


import numpy as np

random_bools = np.random.randint(2, size=100).astype(bool)

Utilizes vectorization for performance.


from scipy import stats

random_bools = stats.bernoulli(.5).rvs(100).astype(bool)

Access to statistical distributions.

The ecosystem of data science Python libraries builds significantly on these basics.

Comparison to JavaScript Random Booleans

For context, JavaScript running in web browsers and Node.js provides similar capabilities:

// JavaScript 

const randomBool = Math.random() < 0.5; // True or false

The ease of getting booleans in both languages is comparable. Python offers more fine grained control with multiple dedicated random modules. But JavaScript tends to perform faster thanks to running natively.

Both languages have access to cryptographic functions (window.crypto in JS) when randomness for security purposes is required.

And regarding deterministic random, JavaScript uses Math.seedrandom() rather than a Random constructor instance. So there are some API differences while achieving similar end goals.

Guidance on Choosing the Right Method

Based on our exploration, here are some high level guidelines on which approach makes sense depending on context:

  • getrandbits() – Prefer when focus is pure speed and performance.
  • choice() – Most readable and maintainable.
  • Comparing random() – Useful for simplicity.
  • randint() – Nice balance of simplicity and speed.

All can work, so optimize for clarity unless random function performance is a bottleneck.

And for cryptographic use cases, utilize seeded randomness or OS-level functions like /dev/urandom.

Understanding how to generate random booleans underpins incorporating effective randomness into systems. Both simple single values and extensive distributions rely on these basics.


There are a variety of methods for getting random true/false booleans in Python – from simple bit generation to higher level abstractions.

By leveraging functions in the random module, we can introduce randomness into our programs for statistics, testing, security and predictive modeling use cases requiring unpredictable behavior.

And functionality like seeding gives us control over reproducibility when developing systems sensitive to inputs. We can mock real world entropy while debugging.

Both the standard library and scientific computing stacks like NumPy provide these capabilities. They form the basic building blocks for incorporating realistic randomness into both small scripts and complex applications.

Understanding these best practices unlocks new categories of programs and simulations reflecting the inherent diversity of the real world.

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