As a Python developer, chances are you have encountered the confusing UnboundLocalError at some point. This error happens when you try to access a local variable in a function or method, but Python cannot find the variable defined in the local scope.

The UnboundLocalError can be frustrating for beginners, leaving them scratching their heads wondering what went wrong. However, once you understand the causes behind this error, it becomes much easier to prevent and fix.

In this comprehensive guide, we will demystify Python‘s UnboundLocalError by covering:

  • What triggers the UnboundLocalError and common causes
  • Actionable solutions and best practices to avoid the error
  • Real code examples to demonstrate the error and fixes
  • Additional tips and tricks for using local and global variables correctly

So let‘s get started unraveling the UnboundLocalError!

What Triggers An UnboundLocalError in Python?

In Python, variables defined within a function are considered local variables, meaning they only exist within the local scope of that function. Trying to use a local variable that hasn‘t been defined causes an UnboundLocalError.

Here is an example that demonstrates this:

def my_func():


Running this code produces:

UnboundLocalError: local variable ‘local_var‘ referenced before assignment

Python is telling us that local_var doesn‘t exist within the local scope of my_func(). We tried to print local_var before defining it, resulting in the error.

In addition to accessing undefined local variables, there are a couple other common triggers for UnboundLocalError in Python:

Attempting to modify a global variable:

global_var = "Hello"

def my_func():
  global_var = "World"


This will produce an UnboundLocalError on global_var within my_func(), even though global_var is defined globally. Python sees we are assigning to global_var inside the function and treats it as a local variable, but global_var isn‘t defined locally which causes issues.

Closing over a variable in nested functions:

def outer_func():
  x = 120

  def inner_func():



This example also causes an UnboundLocalError, but on x inside inner_func(). Python doesn‘t automatically make x from outer_func() available to nested functions. We have to handle closing over variables more carefully as we‘ll discuss next.

There are solutions for both of these scenarios, but first it‘s useful to learn more about Python‘s variable scoping rules that are the root causes of these issues.

Understanding Python‘s Variable Scope Rules

The key to avoiding UnboundLocalError is learning Python‘s LEGB rule for variable scoping along with best practices for using global and nested local variables.

Python‘s LEGB Variable Scope Rule

Python resolves variables in this order:

  1. L: Local — Variables defined within function or method
  2. E: Enclosing — Variables defined in any enclosing functions
  3. G: Global — Variables defined at the uppermost level
  4. B: Built-in — Built-in functions and exceptions

So when accessing variables:

  • Python first checks for a local variable defined within the current function or method
  • Then searches any enclosing functions from inner to outer
  • If no local variable is found, searches the global variables
  • And lastly checks built-ins

Many UnboundLocalError cases happen due to confusion between local vs global variables in Python. Keeping these precedence rules in mind helps avoid issues.

Best Practices for Local and Global Variables

Here are some key best practices for properly using local and global variables in Python:

  • Declare globals needed inside functions: If wanting to modify globals within a function, declare them using global to avoid confusion
global_var = "Hello"

def my_func():
  global global_var
  global_var = "Hi" # Ok now
  • Access values, modify locally: Avoid modifying globals from within functions when possible. Access values, make local copy to modify
config = {"setting": True}

def toggle_setting():
    setting = config["setting"] # Access 
    setting = not setting # Modify local 
  • Return values from functions rather than relying on side effects
def double(x):
    return x * 2 # Return new value

x = 5
print(double(x)) # Side effect free 
  • Use parameters and returns instead of external state: Rely on parameter passing between functions rather than globals
def double(x):
    return x * 2 

x = 5
x2 = double(x) # Explicit data in/out

Keeping these variable usage best practices helps avoid confusing Python‘s LEGB scoping rules, preventing many UnboundLocalError cases.

Now let‘s look at solutions for the specific variable scoping scenarios we saw earlier.

Solutions and Best Practices for Avoiding UnboundLocalError

While sound variable usage recommendations help avoid UnboundLocalError in general, you may still run into tricky situations where Python‘s scoping trips you up. Here are some pro tips for resolving two common specific cases.

Modifying Global Variables

Earlier we saw code for modifying a global variable within a function that failed:

global_var = "Hello" 

def my_func():
  global_var = "Hi" # UnboundLocalError!

The issue is Python treats global_var as a local variable since we assign to it. The solution is using the global keyword:

global_var = "Hello"

def my_func():
  global global_var # Declare global 
  global_var = "Hi" # Now works!


By using global we tell Python global_var is defined externally, fixing the scoping issue.

A better practice is avoiding modifications entirely though:

config = {"setting": True}

def toggle_setting():
    setting = config["setting"] 
    setting = not setting
    return setting

updated_setting = toggle_setting()

Retrieve global values into local variables, modify locally, return new copies. This results in cleaner code.

Closing Over Variables in Nested Functions

We also saw an UnboundLocalError example with nested functions:

def outer_func():
  x = 120

  def inner_func():
    print(x)  # UnboundLocalError


The problem here is that Python doesn‘t automatically make outer_func()‘s x variable available to reference within inner_func().

We can fix this by manually closing over x:

def outer_func():
  x = 120

  def inner_func(x): # Pass x as parameter

  inner_func(x) # Supply reference explicitly


Here we pass x as a parameter to make the binding available in inner_func()‘s scope.

An alternative approach is using a nonlocal declaration:

def outer_func():
  x = 120

  def inner_func():
    nonlocal x 


The nonlocal keyword tells Python to resolve x as a variable from an enclosing function scope. Similar to global but for outer function scopes rather than global.

For better encapsulation, instead of relying on external state through closures, have inner functions accept parameters and return updated values explicitly.

Additional Tips For Properly Using Variables in Python

Here are a few closing tips when leveraging local, enclosing, and global variables in Python:

Use descriptive variable names: Well-named local, global, and nonlocal variables help clarify your code and reduce confusion that leads to UnboundLocalError.

Limit variable scope when reasonable: Keep variables local to the narrowest reasonable scope, and lift to a wider scope only when needed. This reduces likelihood of accidental overlap.

Modularize code using functions: Break code into discrete reusable functions rather than relying on shared global state. Functions encourage scoping variables appropriately.

Leverage linters and type checkers: Tools like pylance, mypy, pylint can help analyze code and flag issues early around improper variable usage which could lead to UnboundLocalError.

Putting some discipline around properly scoping variables this way will help you write clean, modular Python code and squashes UnboundLocalError for good!

Putting It All Together: Fixing a Real UnboundLocalError Example

Let‘s bring all our new knowledge together to fix a real UnboundLocalError case.

Here is some flawed code for a simple ecommerce store application:

cart = [] # Global cart 

def add_item(item):
  cart.append(item) # Add to cart

def view_cart(): 
  print(cart) # Print cart contents


This results in:

UnboundLocalError: local variable ‘cart‘ referenced before assignment

Why the error? Within add_item() Python sees we are modifying cart and treats it as a local variable. But cart isn‘t defined locally in the function causing failure.

We could fix this by using global to declare cart:

cart = []

def add_item(item):
  global cart

def view_cart():

view_cart() # [‘Oranges‘]

However, relying on the shared global cart is poor practice and couples our functions. Instead, we refactor to explicitly pass cart state between functions:

def add_item(cart, item):
  return cart

def view_cart(cart):

my_cart = []  
my_cart = add_item(my_cart, "Apples")
view_cart(my_cart) # [‘Apples‘] Cleaner!

By eliminating the global variable dependency we decouple things, encourage better scoping practices, and resolve the error.

Putting the major points we covered to work by properly scoping variables and passing state explicitly makes debugging UnboundLocalErrors much easier!

Key Takeaways: Effortlessly Avoiding UnboundLocalError

We have covered a lot of ground demystifying Python‘s UnboundLocalError. Let‘s review the key takeaways:

  • UnboundLocalError happens when trying to access undefined local variables within a function
  • Also occurs attempting to modify globals or closing over external state improperly
  • Understanding Python‘s LEGB variable precedence rule helps avoid issues
  • Use best practices like avoiding globals, modularizing appropriately, descriptive names, tools
  • Declare global and nonlocal where needed for specific situations
  • Pass data between functions explicitly rather than relying on shared state

Learning these variable scoping best practices and solutions for common UnboundLocalError cases will help you become a debugging pro in no time. You are now equipped to leverage local, global, and nested function variables with confidence!

With your new skills, the confusing UnboundLocalError will transform from a source of frustration to an easy fix. So get out there, write some Python code, and put your new understanding to work in squashing this error for good!

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