Docker containers promise portable, dependency-isolated application environments via standardized images. But where those images reside – locally or remotely – greatly impacts created workflows. For developers and power users, maintaining a structured local Docker image repository unlocks manifold benefits we dive into here.

Local vs Remote Repos: Composition and Distribution

Before assessing workflow differences, we must understand how local and remote Docker images physically differ.

Local Image Composition

Images stored on the Docker host utilize a layered union file system for efficiency and modularity:

  • Base layers like Ubuntu or Debian provide core OS functionality
  • Parent layers add common utilities like Python or Node
  • Application layers deploy app code and dependencies
  • Changes are written to new writable layers atop read-only bases

This stacked methodology allows extensive reuse between images. All utilize the same foundational layers while new layers house individual app logic.

Remote Image Distribution

Remotely hosted images follow the same layered architecture but with distribution considerations:

  • Images are uploaded to registries like Docker Hub and encapsulated as single tarballs
  • These archives contains all layers, metadata and run configurations
  • Downloading expansive image libraries to each Docker host is impractical
  • Remote images are pulled on-demand when needed

In summary, local and remote images have a similar layered makeup but different physical presence – either directly available or needing download on demand.

Why Maintain a Local Repository?

Given remote images are readily available for download, why might we still maintain a local image library?

No Internet Required

Remote image pulls mandate internet connectivity. Local repos enable containerization offline once images are cached. This aids:

  • Deployments in low connectivity areas
  • Continuity during internet outages
  • Devices with occasional connectivity like IoT
  • Isolated testing environments

Faster Iteration

Pulling updates from remote registries is surprisingly time consuming:

Docker Pull Times by Image Size

Chart showing docker pull times correlating with image size [Source:]

Local images skip this delay – dramatically speeding up developer inner testing loops.

Greater Control

Public remote images are largely immutable once published. Local images offer full control to:

  • Modify base layers
  • Iterate experiments rapidly
  • Delete and restore images

This flexibility and customization enables optimized workflows.

Managing Local Repositories

With the benefits clear, what does managing a performant local repo entail?

Storage Location

The Docker daemon hosts images within /var/lib/docker by default. This OS-dependent area persists images between restarts. We can also configure external storage directories for enhanced capacity or sharing between hosts.

Tagging Images

Docker images evolve rapidly, with tags indicating versions:


Tags help organize and identify images throughout their lifecycle. Apply standards upfront to avoid "image sprawl".

Pruning Old Images

As images proliferate its easy to accumulate outdated or temporary ones:

docker image ls

ubuntu 16.04        5 days ago        114MB
<none>              <none>            598MB
experiment          failed            1.2GB

Prune these routinely with docker image prune for usable local storage.

Running Containers from Local Images

With organised local repositories in place, how do we leverage them? Start containers using the docker run command.

Listing Available Images

First view available images with docker images:

ubuntu        20.04     0bfe6767cec3   2 weeks ago    72.9MB
nginx         latest    ae513a47849c   3 weeks ago    133MB

Note the repository, tag and image ID which identify images.

Launching Containers

Now run containers from target images using:

  • --name – Name the running container
  • -p – Publish ports to host
  • image – Image name to build from

For example:

docker run --name my_nginx -p 80:80 nginx:latest  

This launches an Nginx container from our local image, exposing it on port 80.

Entrypoints vs Commands

Image ENTRYPOINT directives execute on container start:

ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/sbin/nginx"]

While COMMAND overrides the entrypoint:

docker run --name nginx -p 80:80 nginx:latest /bin/bash 

This launches a bash shell instead of Nginx!

Use Cases Optimized With Local Images

While remote repositories enable easily sharing images, certain workflows shine by utilizing local ones instead:

Rapid Application Development

Software engineers relish tight inner dev/test loops for efficiency. Local images offer:

  • Sub-second launch times
  • Commit in-container changes back to image layers
  • Tweak environment variables without rebuild
  • Share images still in flux between co-developers

Data Science Environments

Reproducibility is vital for data analysts who require precisely repeatable application stacks. Local images guarantee environment consistency each run.

They also enable standardized images tuned for data tasks like:

  • GPU optimization
  • Mounted high speed local storage
  • Cleanroom containment policies
  • Custom computational libraries

Infrastructure Staging

System architects codifying infrastructure in containers can iterate faster with local images. Benefits include:

  • Testing role changes without network waits
  • Sharing WIP images between co-workers
  • Committing state back to image layers
  • Promoting images to remote repos only when ready

Advanced Local Image Techniques

Beyond basic container runs, local images offer advanced options like:

Intermediate Containers

Ephemeral containers using volumes and networks can help debugging:

$ docker run --name temp -v appdata:/mnt busybox ls /mnt 


$ docker rm temp

Here an intermediate BusyBox container inspects mounted data.

Image Layer Caching

Docker caches image layers locally until the cache is deliberately cleared. This means repeated docker build commands reuse existing structures:

Sending build context to Docker daemon   2.56kB

# Initial build
Step 1/9 : FROM python:3.6
 ---> cb178ccc0a90
Step 2/9 : COPY requirements.txt ./ 

# Subsequent builds: 
Step 1/9 : FROM python:3.6
 ---> cb178ccc0a90 # Matching layer already exists!
Step 2/9 : COPY requirements.txt ./

Leveraging this cache accelerates local image iterations.

Migrating Images

When ready to distribute images, push local ones to remote repositories:

docker tag my_image myrepo/my_image:v1
docker push myrepo/my_image:v1

Alternatively pull production images into local repos for experimentation.

Security Considerations

As local images don‘t undergo supply chain verification like remote ones, consider:

  • Checking for CVE vulnerabilities with tools like Trivy
  • Scanning layers for secrets/tokens that may have leaked in
  • Importing only images you built or fully trust

Done diligently, local images boost control and velocity without compromising security.


While less known than remote Docker repositories, maintaining a structured local image library unlocks manifold benefits. Developers see faster iteration, analysts get improved reproducibility and architects gain staging environments – all from local images primed for specific uses before runtime.

The local/remote decision need not be binary however – often a blend works best. Library images can be shared remotely while transient project ones remain local, balancing access needs. Now equipped to maximize workflows either way, engineers can fully leverage Docker‘s advantages.

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