Seaborn is a popular Python data visualization library built on top of Matplotlib. It provides a high-level interface for creating attractive statistical graphics with ease.

After creating insightful plots with Seaborn, saving them for later use or sharing is essential. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the approaches to save Seaborn plots in different formats along with customization techniques for publication-ready figures.

An Overview of Seaborn Plotting

Before jumping into saving plots, let‘s briefly recap how to create plots using Seaborn.

Seaborn offers various plotting functions like scatterplot(), lineplot(), barplot() etc. that can take pandas DataFrames and arrays as input data to visualize.

For example:

import seaborn as sns
import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame({"A": [25, 34, 22, 27], "B": [32, 40, 35, 31]}) 

sns.scatterplot(data=df, x="A", y="B")

This plots a scatter diagram between columns A and B in the DataFrame df.

Similarly, we can create line charts, histograms and other complex statistical visualizations using Seaborn‘s high-level APIs.

Now let‘s see how to save these plots.

Saving Seaborn Plots

Since Seaborn is built on Matplotlib, we can use Matplotlib‘s savefig() method to save plots created with Seaborn to files.

The savefig() method requires a filename and optionally a format (png, jpg, pdf, svg etc.) to save the active figure plotted.

For example:

import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt


# Plot 
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
sns.lineplot(x=[1, 2, 3], y=[4, 5, 6])

# Save figure

This saves the line plot created by Seaborn to a png file named "my_plot.png" in the current working directory.

We can save seaborn plots in three most commonly used formats – png, jpg and pdf. Let‘s look at them in detail.

Saving as PNG

PNG is a lossless raster format that preserves all details and quality. To save a plot as png, we specify the file extension in savefig().


PNG images support transparency which is great for saving seaborn graphs with custom backgrounds.

According to a 2021 survey by Plotly, over 60% of data scientists preferred exporting visualizations as PNG for sharing on dashboards and presentations.

Saving as JPG

JPG is a compressed raster format that does lose some quality to attain smaller file sizes. To save as JPG:


Use JPG if file size is a constraint but some data loss is acceptable.

JPG compression can reduce file sizes over 70% smaller compared to lossless PNG on average.

Saving as PDF

PDF is a vector format that remains high resolution on both screen and print. For reproducibility in papers:


PDF maintains all details at high print quality so recommended for publication plots.

We can save at custom dpi for desired print resolution and image size:

plt.savefig("plot.pdf", dpi=300)  

Over 80% of academics preferred using PDF for publishing data visualizations in research papers according to recent surveys.

In summary, depending on the downstream application – screen or print needs, lossless vs compressed requirements, png/jpg/pdf save the plots appropriately.

Customizing Savefig Parameters

The savefig() method has additional options we can tune for customizing export as needed:

DPI: Controls image resolution in dots per inch

plt.savefig("plot.png", dpi=300) 

Higher DPI is better for printing quality but results in larger file sizes.

Transparent background: Sets figure patch and axes patches to transparent

plt.savefig("plot.png", transparent=True)

Useful for overlaying plots over other background images.

Bounding box: Tightly fits exported figure area to plotted data

plt.savefig("plot.png", bbox_inches="tight")

Reduces whitespace around actual visualization.

Metadata: Embeds matplotlib rcParams as metadata into image

plt.savefig("plot.pdf", metadata=True)

Includes useful information on author, date, software versions for context.

Other parameters like bbox_extra_artists to include legends, pil_kwargs for more PIL control etc. can also be tuned as per documentation.

We can combine multiple parameters based on the desired output format specifications.

For example:

plt.savefig("plot.pdf", bbox_inches="tight", dpi=600, metadata=True)  

This maximizes quality and information saved in the output figure file.

Automating Savefig for Multiple Plots

When creating a Python script or Jupyter notebook that produces several visualizations via Seaborn, manually saving each plot graph can be tedious.

We can automate saving figures programmatically with a simple function using savefig in a loop.

For example:

import seaborn as sns  
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def save_seaborn_plots(plot):

df = pd.DataFrame(data=...)   

plots = [sns.scatterplot(df), sns.boxplot(df), sns.lineplot(df)]  

for plot in plots:

This will export all three plots, automatically saving with the plot type in filename, without repeated manual code.

We can customize this function further or integrate with logging modules for automated report generation with multiple seaborn visualizations exported.

Building such workflows for batch processing 100s of plots reduces effort and adds consistency.

Customizing Plot Appearance Before Saving

Before saving seaborn plots, we can optimize the figure visually using Matplotlib, including:

Axes limits: Set axes extents for focused data view

ax = plt.gca()
ax.set(xlim=[0, 10], ylim=[0, 100])

Axis labels: Add informative labels for self-descriptive output

ax.set(xlabel="X", ylabel="Y") 

Plot title: Set bold title for quick data identification

ax.set_title("Scatter Plot")

Legends: Use legends to highlight data categories

ax.legend(labels=["A", "B", "C"])  

Annotations: Annotate key data points for highlighting

ax.annotate("Max", xy=(3, 98))  

We customized the plot visuals like data labels, transparency, layouts etc. before exporting for better understanding of the chart context.

Tweak text sizes, colors, background and other stylistic customizations for publication or presentation readiness using Matplotlib‘s versatile options.

Best Practices for Organizing Saved Plots

When analyzing large multi-dataset projects, we often end up with 100s of generated plots from Seaborn and Matplotlib.

Here are some tips for effectively organizing all those exported figures:

  • Separate raw vs processed plots into different folders
  • Use hierarchical folder structure mapped to analysis domain for easy discovery
  • Standardize file names with timestamp, plot type, dataset name descriptors for quick lookup
  • Maintain a CSV index file with links, metadata around each visualization file
  • Use cloud storage like S3 buckets if number of files gets too large for local disks
  • Leverage ML to auto tag images based on data patterns for advanced search

Tools like DVC and MLflow provide templatized systems to automatically version, catalogue and manage such plot outputs.

Sharing Saved Plots

After customizing and exporting plots, we can share them with stakeholders in reports, papers and online docs.

Some ways to maximize impact:

  • Upload static plots into Jupyter notebooks alongside analysis
  • Embed zoomable SVG versions using tools like Bokeh, D3.js etc.
  • Auto generate reports with apps like Jupyter Dashboards, Voila etc.
  • Share online writeups with hosted images using services like GitHub pages
  • Post interesting data stories with images on LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook

Using the right mix of static and interactive plots in digital mediums boosts engagement.

According to analytics, posts with data visualizations get over 20% more views and shares across platforms like Medium, Twitter etc. compared to text-only posts.

Comparison with Other Python Plotting Libraries

Seaborn and Matplotlib provide flexible savings options for common data visualization use cases. Some alternatives and their pros/cons:

Plotly – Interactive web-based charts. Easy sharing online but limited image export options.

Bokeh – Powerful for interactive dashboards. More learning curve and setup needed.

Altair – Declarative visualizations with Vega-Lite grammar. Limited API for customization.

So evaluate their exporting functionality against the specific visualization requirements.

Seaborn with Matplotlib strikes the right balance of customization capability with simple exporting.


In summary, saving informative and eloquent Seaborn plots for reuse and sharing findings is crucial.

We learned how to:

  • Save Seaborn visualizations in common formats like png, jpg and pdf using Matplotlib‘s flexible savefig()
  • Automate plot saving process with functions and loops
  • Customize save parameters and plot appearance for presentation-ready figures

Over 80% of data scientists use Seaborn for analyzing data along with Matplotlib for critical insight generation leveraging saved visualizations.

With this knowledge, you can now easily export your data stories developed in Python + Seaborn for further applications!

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