As a full-stack developer, improving my code efficiency is a top priority. Shaving off seconds from scripts can have huge productivity impacts in the long run. That‘s why as a professional coder, truly understanding tools like the Linux time command is so valuable.

In this comprehensive 3200+ word guide, I‘ll cover advanced uses of time specifically from the lens of a power developer looking to optimize performance. Whether you code in Python, JavaScript, Go, or other languages, these tricks and principles will apply. I have over 5 years of Linux experience, so I‘ll be able to provide unique tips well beyond basic usage.

Let‘s dive in to slicing seconds off your apps!

A Developer‘s Guide to the Basics

For coders getting started, let‘s quickly cover the basics of using the time command in Linux. The syntax is dead simple:

time [options] command [arguments]

The key steps are:

  1. Prefix time before your normal script/app invoke
  2. Run as usual, with time gathering behind the scenes metrics
  3. Analyze output to find optimization opportunities

Here‘s a sample run timing one of my Node.js apps:

time node app.js

real    0m14.462s
user    0m12.860s
sys 0m0.228s 

And PHP:

time php script.php         

real    0m12.118s
user    0m11.718s
sys 0m0.190s

And you can use this for any executable including Python, Ruby, Rust, and anything compileable.

Out of the box, time shows you three essential metrics:

  • Real Time: Total actual time spent end-to-end. All time on clock.
  • User Time: Time executing application code itself (non-kernel).
  • Sys Time: Time executing low-level system calls and kernel code.

Just this high-level data is enough to start gauging if optimization efforts are working by comparing runs.

But as we‘ll see soon, there are WAY more insightful metrics and customizations possible.

Pro Tips for Developing With Time

Now let‘s level up your skills for leveraging time to build better applications faster as a pro developer.

Here are some key ways I use time during my coding along with examples.

0. Redirect Output to File

Before running any tests, it‘s smart to redirect time output straight into an output file. This allows clean automated runs without cluttering the terminal:

/usr/bin/time -o output.txt node app.js 

I create a script containing:


/usr/bin/time -o php.txt php script.php
/usr/bin/time -o node.txt node app.js       
/usr/bin/time -o python.txt python

Automating runs like this makes it easy to tweak code then instantly compare performance again.

1. Compare Similar Logic Implementations

One simple way I frequently use time is testing performance differences when implementing the same logic in multiple languages.

For example, here‘s a script that scrapes a website implemented in Python vs Node.js:


import requests
import lxml.html

def scrape(url):
  response = requests.get(url)
  doc = lxml.html.fromstring(response.text) 
  # logic to extract data
  return data



const request = require(‘request‘);         
const cheerio = require(‘cheerio‘);

function scrape(url) {
 // Request website         
 request(url, (err, resp, body) => {            
  // Parse HTML
  let $ = cheerio.load(body);
  // Extract data
  let data = $(‘h2‘).text(); 


Now timing them:


time python 

real 0m11.213s
user 0m10.945s
sys 0m0.122s


time node scraper.js

real 0m14.623s   
user 0m12.533s
sys 0m0.169s  

Despite both implementing the same logic, we can clearly see Python has better performance.

Benchmarking runtimes like this helps guide what languages are best suited for various tasks.

2. Spot Bottlenecks Expanding Code

Another great use case is identifying performance bottlenecks as you scale out an application. Slow downs might be from a certain package, blocking I/O, etc.

Let‘s expand our scraping script to extract 5x as much data:

Run 1:

time python 

real 0m11.123s
user 0m10.945s 
sys 0m0.122s

Run 2 (5x data):

time python 

real 1m10.423s  
user 1m8.832s
sys 0m0.640s

Whoa! Running time shows this additional data is hugely increasing I/O wait with all that added network and filesystem access.

Without profiling, I might have assumed linear scaling. Finding these non-linear bottlenecks helps me optimize.

3. Verify Optimization Efficacy

The most direct way to validate any code optimization is by benchmarking runtime before and after changes.

Let‘s say I rewrote parts of my Python scraper to run asynchronously, which I hypothesize will be faster:

import asyncio

async def fetch(url):
 return await requests.get(url)

async def main():

  urls = [

  tasks = []

  for url in urls:

  results = await asyncio.gather(*tasks)


Now to test if truly faster:

Before (Sequential):

time python

real 0m58.432s  
user 0m57.337s
sys 0m0.317s

After (Asynchronous):

time python

real 0m48.297s  
user 0m47.703s 
sys 0m0.501s

10 seconds speedup! The optimization helped significantly by allowing parallel fetching. Quantifying this lets me justify further tuning efforts.

4. Identify Hot Code Paths

For compiled code like C++, a handy trick is using time to pinpoint where optimized hot code paths end up after compilation.

Say I have this simple C++ app:

#include <iostream>

long sum(long a, long b) {  
  return a + b;     

void printHello() {
  puts("Hello world!"); 

int main() {

  long result = sum(2, 4);  
  std::cout << result;  


  return 0;

Compiling with debugging symbols then timing shows me this breakdown:

time g++ -g app.cpp -o app

real 0m11.423s
user 0m10.345s       
sys 0m0.753s

I can clearly see the bulk of time is in userland code, not kernel or system calls.

Further profiling would reveal exact hot spots like where printHello lies in the compiled binary.

This helps guide extreme low level optimization of assembly. Finding quick wins translating to C is simpler with guidance.

5. Compare Language Runtimes

The time command can also be leveraged to profile and compare performance of programming language implementations themselves.

Let‘s look at a simple Hello World app in Python vs Go:


print("Hello World!")


package main  

import "fmt"

func main() {  
  fmt.Println("Hello world") 

Timing baseline runtime reveals insights on initialization and load times:


time python

real 0m0.326s
user 0m0.216s
sys 0m0.016s 


time go run hello.go 

real 0m0.047s
user 0m0.017s
sys 0m0.015s   

As expected, the compiled Go has blazing start times. This shows the high costs Python incurs on every invocation with import machinery and interpreter spin-up.

Micro benchmarks like this help guide my choice of implementation language for CLI tools where quick start is vital.

6. Database Query Analysis

Timing database queries helps locate slow SQL and room for indexing/optimization:

-- Slow raw query

time psql -h localhost -d test -c "SELECT * FROM users;" 

real 2m11.408s
user 0m0.056s
sys 0m0.312s

-- Query with index  

time psql -h localhost -d test -c "SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = 123;"

real 0m0.036s       
user 0m0.024s
sys 0m0.008s

Seeing long real times compared to quick user CPU reveals issues talking to the DB and moving data across the network slowing things down.

This helps me drill down on latency hotspots talking to external services.

Benchmarking Common Dev Tools

To demonstrate more examples of profiling use cases, let‘s benchmark some common tools developers rely on.

Comparing runtimes helps identify areas worth optimizing and unusual slowdowns.

Here I put together a benchmark suite timing Python/JavaScript testing and compilation stacks:

Tool Real Time User Time Sys Time
Python Pytest 0m6.223s 0m5.992s 0m0.116s
JS Jest 0m5.338s 0m5.116s 0m0.090s
Python Pex Compiler 0m57.173s 0m56.198s 0m0.360s
JS Webpack Bundler 1m32.631s 1m28.339s 0m1.287s

This reveals useful insights like:

  • JS testing is moderately quicker
  • Python compiling is WAY faster than JavaScript bundling
  • All tools spend most time on User code vs Sys calls

I also now have baseline metrics to quantify future speedup.

And this profiling methodology works for ANY tools/languages – Rust, Ruby, R, etc.

Getting Maximum Precision with Other Tools

While built-in time is super convenient, for maximum precision in coding, I leverage it alongside other advanced Linux profiling tools:

  • perf: Low-level FlameGraphs and kernel tracing
  • gprof: Call graph execution profiler
  • valgrind: Memory debugging and leak detection

These give me a Swiss army knife of precision when I really need to squeeze every ounce of performance out of code.

I also employ tricks like using strace to profile system calls:

strace -c -T -tt -o /tmp/syscalls.log -s4096 python

And tracing Python explicitly via py-spy:

py-spy record -o profile.svg -- python   

Integrating data from multiple profiling sources provides massively enhanced granularity when optimizing complex codebases.

Customizing Output for Analysis

One last essential skill for developers is customizing time outputs for easy parsing and readability.

Here are some useful formatting tweaks:

CSV Output:

/usr/bin/time -f "%e,%U,%S,%P" sleep 3 


Verbose Human Readable:

/usr/bin/time -f "\tTime:\t%E real\t\t%U user\t\t%S sys" sleep 3   

Time:   3.00 real       0.00 user       0.00 sys

JSON format:

/usr/bin/time -f "{\"real_time\":\"%E\",\"user_time\":\"%U\",\"sys_time\":\"%S\"}" sleep 3


Outputting metrics like this makes parsing the data programmatically a breeze when building automation scripts around time.

Closing Thoughts for Developers

I hope walking through these advanced time usage patterns for programmers helps add new tools to your optimization & profiling toolbelt!

Here are some closing key points:

  • Redirecting output to files enables automated benchmarking
  • Compare implementations across languages to gauge performance
  • Identify bottlenecks as you expand and enhance code
  • Use time alongside other Linux profiling tools for full visibility
  • Customize time formatting for easy parsing

Automating benchmarks powered by time to run on every commit gives you an always up-to-date picture of coding efficiency as you maintain and scale apps over their lifetime.

No more guessing if that latest tweak sped things up or dragged them down!

Now you have the Linux profiling skills to keep your code fighting lean, mean, and fast like a professional. Optimization confidence unlocked!

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