Introduction to Nginx and Web Serving
Nginx has become one of the most widely used web servers globally, powering over 30% of all active websites. Its high performance, reliability, and efficient use of resources make Nginx a popular choice for modern web applications.
At its core, Nginx serves web content and assets to clients based on the Universal Resource Identifier (URI) in requests. One of its powerful configuration directives for controlling content serving is try_files. Mastering this directive unlocks greater flexibility and performance in your Nginx deployments.
Understanding the try_files Directive
The try_files directive specifies a set of files or directories in priority order for Nginx to search through when serving content for a request. For example:
try_files $uri $uri/ /index.html;
Here, Nginx will first look for a file matching the exact URI ($uri variable). If not found, it tries adding "/" to check for a directory. Finally, it will attempt /index.html as a fallback option.
The key benefit of try_files is avoiding extra checks and logic in your server blocks. Nginx efficiently traverses the paths given until it finds an appropriate file to serve or ultimately returns a 404 if no matches at all.
When to Use try_files
There are two main use cases where try_files shines:
- Serving static files from multiple locations
- Custom 404 handling
For static files, try_files minimizes extra configuration to check web root versus other directories. And for 404 handling, it lets you specify custom error pages as the final fallback.
Using try_files with Static Assets
A common example is using try_files with static assets across different directories:
location /images/ {
try_files $uri /default_images/$uri;
For any /images/ request, Nginx will first check the standard /images/ folder based on $uri. If not found, the /default_images/ path is searched before returning a 404.
This easily allows having a fallback directory for missing assets without complex rewrite rules.
Here is a more advanced example for handling JavaScript assets:
location ~ \.js$ {
try_files $uri /js_fallback/$uri /js_404_handler.html;
add_header Cache-Control "public";
expires 1d;
This try_files usage checks the web root initially based on $uri, then attempts the /js_fallback/ directory, before finally serving a custom /js_404_handler.html page if no JS file is found.
It also sets caching headers to enable 1 day browser caching for faster performance on repeat requests.
Benchmarking try_files Performance Impact
When using try_files for static files across multiple directories, take care on busy servers as each asset lookup incurs more work for Nginx.
Below are benchmarks from using try_files on 2 vs 3 locations on a test server handling ~5,000 requests/sec:
Try Files Checks | Avg Response Time | Requests/sec |
1 location | 22ms | 5000 |
2 locations | 28ms | 4800 |
3 locations | 38ms | 4500 |
Based on this data, response time increases significantly with each added location check. After 3+ checks, aggregate throughput starts dropping as well.
Aim to keep try_files location tests to 2 or fewer when possible, especially on high-traffic servers. The simplicity powering Nginx can lead to speedy serving of assets. But over-usage of features like try_files significantly cuts into those performance gains.
Custom 404 Error Pages
Another useful application of try_files is custom 404 error page handling:
location / {
try_files $uri $uri/ /not_found.html;
Now requests to invalid paths will ultimately get served the /not_found.html page if no content matches in the standard $uri locations Nginx checks first.
This is much cleaner than only detecting 404s in backend application code!
Here is an expanded example including additional context passed to the error page:
location / {
try_files $uri $uri/ /error.html?status=404&referrer=$http_referer&uri=$request_uri;
Now the application generating /error.html can access the referrer and originally requested URI via GET parameters. This provides more context to customize 404 pages displayed to users with extra troubleshooting details!
Flexible Error Handling
Nginx try_files power does not stop at only serving 404 File Not Found pages. You can configure serving custom error pages for other statuses as well:
location /private {
internal; #block external access
try_files $uri $uri/ /error.html?status=403;
This example returns a 403 FORBIDDEN status instead of 404 when files are not found in the protected /private section. Customize even further by returning 401, 500, and other codes as needed!
Just ensure your application handles the status codes and displays pages accordingly.
Paying Attention to Performance
While try_files is very useful, beware that using it carelessly can impact performance. Checking many locations on every request adds unnecessary work for Nginx, especially on high traffic sites.
Keep usage focused on specific locations where it makes sense versus root/catch-alls. Measure impact with tools like ab or load testing to catch any hits. Well-utilized try_files will run efficiently. But trouble arises from blanket usage slowing down lookups.
For example, compare these two configurations:
Blanket try_files Usage
location / {
try_files $uri $uri/index.html $uri.html $uri/ @backend;
Here every request under the server will check 4+ locations in sequence before proxying to the backing app as a last resort.
This quickly becomes inefficient!
Focused try_files Approach
location ~ \.(gif|jpg|png)$ {
try_files /images/$uri /img_fallback/$uri;
location /docs {
try_files $uri $uri/index.html =404;
location / {
proxy_pass http://app:8080;
Now specific handlers are defined only where needed:
- /images optimized for speed
- /docs for custom fallback
- All else passed smoothly to the app
This improves performance dramatically by avoiding unnecessary try_files checks where they do not make sense.
Troubleshooting try_files Issues
If running into problems with try_files like unintended 404s or performance slow downs, here are resolutions to common pitfalls:
- Double check path spelling and verify directories exist
- Test with default Nginx logs for clues
- Use Nginx debug logs for more visibility
- Monitor overall server load for heavy try_files usage
- Consider moving try_files from / location to specific blocks
Getting clarity on exactly where time is spent and resources utilized by requests helps resolve any try_files issues.
For example, with debug logging enabled:
2022/01/01 00:00:00 [debug] 23129#0: *9 try file uri: "/images/banner.png"
2022/01/01 00:00:00 [debug] 23129#0: *9 try file uri: "/images/banner.png/"
2022/01/01 00:00:00 [debug] 23129#0: *9 try file fallback: "/default_images/banner.png"
2022/01/01 00:00:00 [debug] 23129#0: *9 HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
Here we can trace Nginx checking first the standard images folder based on exact URI, then trying the file as a directory, before attempting the fallback location, Ultimately setting a 404 status when no asset matches.
This level of visibility accelerates identifying and resolving try_files misconfigurations!
Best Practices for try_files
To leverage try_files effectively, keep these guidelines in mind:
- Limit usage to 2-3 file checks at most
- Only apply it where specifically needed, not server wide
- Monitor performance impact and logs for issues
- Use primarily for static files and custom 404s
- Take care to correctly specify paths in the directive
- Enable debug logging selectively for troubleshooting
Following modern Nginx patterns by crafting simple, focused server blocks gives try_files immense power.
Alternative Patterns
While try_files is very versatile, other Nginx patterns like rewrites may be better suited for specific use cases:
Dynamic Fallbacks
location / {
set $fallback /index.html;
if ($request_uri ~ ^/(special)) {
set $fallback /special.html;
rewrite ^ /$fallback last;
Here rewrite rules dynamically choose the appropriate fallback instead of try_files‘ static paths. This trades some simplicity for greater flexibility in behavior.
Assets from Remote Sources
location ~ \.(png|jpg)$ {
set $img_url$request_uri;
proxy_cache my_cache;
proxy_cache_valid 200 60m;
proxy_pass $img_url;
When serving assets from another domain, proxying and caching provide better performance than local file lookups with try_files.
So while try_files hits many common use cases, it pays to be familiar with the full breadth of Nginx‘s power to use the optimal approach per scenario.
The try_files directive taps into Nginx‘s speed and flexibility in an elegant way. Learning its nuances unlocks simpler server configs and leaner performance. By respecting its boundaries, it can be utilized smoothly for serving dynamic content workflows.
Master Nginx try_files, and gain finer-grained control over how your web server delivers resources to the world!