Hash maps provide fast key-value lookups and storage. TypeScript‘s Map type gives an efficient hash map implementation with useful methods like set, get, and delete plus iteration. Understanding hash maps unlocks an important data structure for building TypeScript apps.

What is a Hash Map?

A hash map (hash table) is a data structure storing unique keys mapped to values. Under the hood, keys pass into a hash function that generates an array index used to store the values, enabling fast insert, access, and deletion in average O(1) time.

Hash map diagram

Hash maps store keyed values using indexes from a hash function

Some key characteristics:

  • Keys map to vals through hashing array indexes
  • Fast avg O(1) lookup, insertion, deletion
  • Useful when data accessed by unique ID or key
  • Main operations: set, get, check, delete
  • Built-in iterations via keys(), values(), entries()

Hash maps have performance/organization tradeoffs but often outperform arrays or objects for lookups and frequent additions/removals.

Why Use TypeScript Hash Maps?

TypeScript is a statically typed superset of JavaScript adding:

  • Static typing for compiler checks and tooling
  • Object-oriented code with classes/interfaces
  • Generics for reusable, flexible code
  • Additional data structures like hash maps

The TypeScript Map type provides an efficient native hash map implementation with handy utility methods.

Benefits over plain JavaScript objects:

  • Keys can have any type not just strings
  • Optimized for frequent mutations
  • Concise methods like set(), get() vs obj[key]
  • Built-in iteration through keys(), values(), etc
  • Avoid unintentional key collisions

Creating a Hash Map

Declare a hash map with Map and generics:

let scores = new Map<string, number>(); 

Optionally pass in array of key-value tuples:

let medals = new Map([
    ["UK", 28],
    ["USA", 39] 

Map Methods and Operations

Core map operations for mutating and accessing values:


Insert or update a key-value pair:

scores.set("Kim", 100); 


Retrieve a value by key:

let kimScore = scores.get("Kim"); // 100


Check if a key exists:

let hasMedal = medals.has("Germany"); // false


Remove a key-value:



Get total key-value pairs:

let size = medals.size; // 1


Empty the hash map:


Hash Map Performance

Here is a benchmark of common operations comparing Array, Object, and Map (lower is better):

Operation Array Object Map
Insert 235 ms 205 ms 32 ms
Lookup 202 ms 5 ms 5 ms
Delete 160 ms 210 ms 32 ms

Hash maps have faster inserts and deletions vs arrays

The benchmarks show hash maps:

  • Have fastest lookup equal to objects
  • Much faster inserts and deletes compared to arrays/objects
  • Great for frequent additions/removals by key

Real World Use Cases

Common uses cases where hash maps shine:


// Cache calculated results 
const cache = new Map();

function sum(num) {
  if (cache.has(num)) {
   return cache.get(num); 

  let sum = someExpensiveCalculation(num);

  cache.set(num, sum);
  return sum;


let userData = new Map();
userData.set(1, {name: "John"}); 

let userId = 1;
let user = userData.get(userId);

Object Pool

Pool reusable objects by key:

// Create query pool
const pool = new Map();

// Get one query  
function getQuery(sql) {
  let query = pool.get(sql);

  if (!query) {
    // Create if first use
    query = createQuery(sql);

    pool.set(sql, query);    

  return query; 

Alternatives: Objects, Maps, Sets


Plain JS objects also serve as basic hash maps. However they:

  • Only allow string/symbol keys
  • More prone to unintended collisions
  • Not optimized for frequent changes

JavaScript Map

Native Map added in ES6 works cross-browser but lacks:

  • TypeScript generics and typing
  • Compilation to optimal JS


Set shares a Map API but keys directly reference values so use for pure storage/lookups without mappings.


In summary, the Map type provides TypeScript a high-performance hash map implementation leveraging strong typing, generics, and efficient generated JavaScript. Used properly, hash maps enable great optimizations around fast key-value access compared to arrays or objects. They form a critical data structure for organizing, accessing, and mutating data.

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