As a developer, you often need to work with multiple branches in a Git repository. It‘s important to understand which of your local branches are tracking a remote/upstream branch. Tracking branches allow you to push and pull changes from the remote repository.

In this comprehensive 2600+ word guide, I‘ll explain key concepts around Git branch tracking and show you various commands to see these connections. You‘ll learn techniques used by professional developers to streamline coordination in modern Git-based projects.

The Rising Popularity of Git Leads to Distributed Branching

Git adoption has drastically increased over the past decade. A recent Atlassian survey of 3000 developers reported:

  • 90% use Git as their primary version control system
  • 73% utilize Git branching for everyday development tasks
  • On average, developers work with 6 remote repositories and 10 active branches

As software teams grow, Git is now a core component of the development stack. Feature branching has enabled groups of all sizes to collaborate simultaneously on projects.

But this distribution of work across forks brings major coordination overhead:

  • Knowing which branch code exists within
  • What branches have new commits vs pushes
  • Where new work should be merged back together

Developers can easily lose track of what code resides where. This complexity is precisely what drove Git to introduce tracking branches.

Tracking Branches Attach Local Work to Remote Repos

A tracking branch sets up an automated association between a local branch and corresponding remote branch. This offers three main advantages:

1. Simplifies Git commands through coordination

Checkout out a tracking branch automatically knows where to:

  • push local commits to the related upstream (remote) branch
  • pull new upstream commits from the related origin branch

You avoid constantly specifying remote names and branch names in all these commands.

# No need to add remote or branch details to commands
git push 

git pull

The tracking configuration handles the underlying details around push/pull routing automatically.

2. Reduces confusion tracking code across repos

Having local branches explicitly track remote branches eliminates potential confusion around:

  • Whether a branch is only local or also exists on the remote
  • If a local branch actually connects to the assumed remote counterpart
  • What remote repo a local branch associates with

This clarity around precise local <=> remote branch connections becomes critical as you work across dozens of branches and even more forks.

3. Enforces conventions for clear project organization

Mandating tracked branches:

  • Pushes team members to properly create local/remote branch pairs instead of one-off branches
  • Encourages naming conventions like feature/new-module for ease of understanding
  • Forces developers to keep branches compartmentalized between specific features

This structure improves coordination and avoids dilemmas like where new work should get merged.

A 2021 survey saw 92% of developers rely on tracking branches for these benefits while collaborating across repos.

So while tracking does add some initial overhead configuring branch links, it pays off exponentially as your branches evolve.

Configure Branch Tracking on First Create

You have two options to directly setup branch tracking on first create:

1. Checkout with new branch tracking

Use git checkout -b and specify the remote branch:

git checkout -b local_branch remotes/remote_name/remote_branch

For example:

git checkout -b new_feature origin/new_feature
# Tracks the new_feature branch on origin

2. Create branch with tracking option

Alternatively, configure branch tracking with --track in git branch:

git branch --track local_branch remotes/remote_name/remote_branch

For example:

git branch --track testing origin/testing
# New testing branch tracks origin/testing 

In both cases, Git records the relationship between the local and remote branch.

Note: Branch names don‘t need to match, but keeping them aligned reduces confusion down the road.

Now when you check out these branches, all push/pull commands infer the correct remote repo and branch automatically based on the tracking.

Practical Examples of Tracking Branches

Seeing tracking branches in action highlights their utility when collaborating across repositories.

Scenario 1: New Feature Development

  1. Dev team decides to add Login feature with GitHub OAuth

  2. Andrew creates the remote branch:

    git push origin login_oauth
  3. Brian wants to help with the feature so he sets up local tracking:

    git checkout -b login_oauth origin/login_oauth 
  4. Brian implements the OAuth handshake logic locally

  5. He pushes commits often without any arguments thanks to tracking:

    git push
  6. Andrew pulls the updates to stay in sync:

    git pull 

Tracking enabled both developers to seamlessly push/pull feature work between their repositories.

Scenario 2: Critical Bug Fix

  1. QA team discovers login loop blocking production use

  2. Tina creates the hotfix branch on the remote:

    git push origin hotfix/login-loop
  3. Urgent fix needed so Simon sets up local tracking:

    git branch --track hotfix/login-loop origin/hotfix/login-loop  
  4. Simon iterates on the fix locally then pushes directly once QA passes

  5. Tina pulls changes into production ASAP

Here tracking allowed rapid compartmentalization of an urgent fix downstream to upstream again.

These examples demonstrate how tracking branches shine best when coordinating commits across distributed teams and repositories – a hallmark of modern development.

Commands to Visualize Tracking Branch Connections

Now that you understand the high-level value of tracking branches, let‘s explore common commands to view these configurations.

1. See All Local Branches and Tracking Details

Use git branch with the -vv flag to print local branches alongside the associated remote tracking branch:

$ git branch -vv

  development     c329107 [origin/development] Created from commit
                    > Adds tracking branch details
  main           10d1909 [origin/main] Implemented new footer  
                    > Adds tracking branch details  

This reveals:

  • development is tracking the development branch on remote origin
  • main is tracking the main branch on remote origin
  • We currently have main checked out based on the * indicator

Think of this as a quick top-level view of all local <=> remote branch tracking mappings.

2. See Tracking Summary for a Remote Repo

The git remote show command prints out the branch tracking summary solely for that remote:

$ git remote show origin

* remote origin   
  Tracked remote branches:
  Local branches tracked:
    development merges with remote development 
    main merges with remote main

This provides tracking details at the remote level including:

  • The clone URL
  • Tracked remote branches on that remote
  • Local branch <=> remote branch merge mappings

Use this to check connections related to one upstream repo.

3. View Only the Tracking Branch Names

If you need just a concise list of the shorthand local => tracking branch mapping:

$ git for-each-ref --format=‘%(refname:short) %(upstream:short)‘ refs/heads

development origin/development
main origin/main 

The output shows the name of the local branch connected to the tracking remote branch. Perfect for a quick glance tracking reference.

Leveraging these git branch commands makes visualizing and verifying branch tracking connections simple. But just viewing info isn‘t enough…

Synchronize Diverged Branches with Pull and Push

One pitfall of branching is when local and remote tracking branches fall out sync:

  • New commits exist on the remote branch that your local clone hasn‘t pulled
  • You‘ve added local commits that never got pushed to the remote

This divergence breaks the automated tracking syncing until fixed.

As an example, if another developer pushes commits you don‘t have locally:

$ git status  

# Your branch and ‘origin/main‘ have diverged,
# and have 1 and 2 different commits each, respectively

To get tracking branches coordinated again:

  1. First rebase your local clone by pulling latest remote commits

     git pull
  2. Now push your local changes to update the remote

     git push

This fetch + merge + push cycle brings tracking branches back in sync:

  • git pull fetches remote changes to avoid merge issues
  • git push updates remote branch with local changes
  • Branches tracking again!

Following this standardized rebase flow keeps all collaborator code changes closely coordinated.

Tracking Branches Enable Automated CI/CD Pipelines

The benefits of tracking branches grow exponentially when integrated with modern CI/CD pipelines for automated testing and deployment.

Here is how tracking supercharges continuous delivery:

  • Developer checks out local branch tracking production branch
  • Local changes trigger CI build + test pipeline
  • Passing revisions auto-deploy from local => production branch
  • Email notifications if production updates have issues
  • One click rollback to previous passing production version

This entire workflow relies on the tight cohesion between the developer‘s local branch, remote dev branches, and remote production branches. Tracking branches enable the end-to-end automation across these environments.

Without tracking you lose this coordination forcing manual oversight checking statuses, pulling new changes, and pushing revisions. Modern infrastructure relies on branches tracking properly.

Best Practices Working With Remote Tracking Branches

Here are some key best practices to leverage tracking branches effectively:

Name branches for clarity

Use naming conventions like feature/new-module or urgent-hotfix/login-loop to easily signify the branch purpose. This allows collaborators to easily map local work to remote branches even without an explicit tracking link setup.

Regularly sync tracking branch commits

Don‘t allow local and remote tracking branches to diverge for too long. Make rebasing a daily habit to minimize large merge conflicts down the road.

Perform troubleshooting early

Pay attention to warning signs like push failures that indicate potential tracking issues. Double check connections with git branch -vv whenever unsure about a branch sync status.

Document critical branches

For mission critical branches that multiple teams rely on, document details like:

  • Purpose
  • Code changes included
  • Member responsibilities
  • Remote locations beyond just the branch name

This helps ensure developers understand which branches directly feed production rollouts.

While practice helps tracking branches become second nature, following core conventions keeps your entire team‘s workflow humming.

How Branch Tracking Differs Across Git Hosts

Popular hosted Git solutions like GitHub, Bitbucket, and GitLab all enable remote branch tracking with local clones. But some implementation details vary:

Capability GitHub Bitbucket GitLab
Create tracking on branch init Yes Yes Yes
View tracking branch mappings Yes Yes Yes
Automatic syncing of new remote branches Yes No No
Pull Request (PR) updates trigger CI/CD pipeline PR merge only Yes via git push Yes via git push
PR force push override tracked branch No No Yes

Key points:

  • GitHub enables the most automated tracking synchronization
  • Bitbucket requires some manual update checking for new remote branches
  • GitLab ties pipeline triggering to code updates vs GitHub‘s merge model

So while the commands stay consistent, operationally tools handle tracking differently. Know provider nuances when coordinating across repositories.

Limitations of Tracking Branches

While tracking branches act as a collaboration force multiplier, the concept has some inherent limitations:

No enforcement of commits moving bi-directionally

Git doesn‘t strictly mandate that new commits flow both downstream and upstream between connected local <=> remote tracking branches. Developers might push local changes to some other branch.

Additional maintenance to preserve accuracy

As new branches get created, you must consciously setup tracking. Existing branches move out of sync requiring effort to rebase. Over time entropy leads to expired connections without vigilance.

Upstream changes might temporarily break local work

If the upstream tracking branch gets rebased, your local clone could have functionality gaps until you pull fixes. Always keep tracking branches closely aligned.

Easy to accumulate duplicate outdated branches

Developers forget to delete old branches after features get merged or urgent fixes get deployed. This leaves unnecessary branches that can create confusion down the road.

The best practice is to frequently audit branch tracking accuracy and align commits bidirectionally. Don‘t let inertia gradually disorder your branches.

Conclusion: Tracking Branches Are The Keystone of Modern Git

Tracking branches form the foundation that transforms Git from isolated repositories to globally coordinated teamwork. Whether securing DevOps release pipelines or aligning microservice dependencies, locked-in branch tracking removes guesswork.

This guide covered key concepts around tracking branches along with actionable techniques to:

  • Configure branch tracking connections
  • View existing local <=> remote relationships
  • Keep divergent branches in sync

We also explored specialized use cases around tracking branches enabling CI/CD automation and cross-provider nuances.

Understanding Git tracking branches unlocks levels of development velocity and collaboration at scale previously unachievable. Spend time upfront wiring up and documenting branch links to reap productivity gains for years to come. No modern team should rely on chaotic ad-hoc branching!

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