The tilde (~) is an important mathematical symbol with several uses in LaTeX documents. As an experienced LaTeX user and coder, I will provide a comprehensive guide on writing and utilizing the tilde symbol correctly.

Overview of the Tilde

The tilde has various roles in mathematical and scientific notation:

  • Indicates approximation or similarity between two variables (e.g. x ~ y)
  • Represents a median value above a variable (e.g. ~x)
  • Denotes a vector quantity below a variable (e.g. $\tilde{x}$)
  • Symbolizes "waves" or oscillations (e.g. in electromagnetism equations)

It‘s essential to use the appropriate tilde symbol and LaTeX coding depending on the context. Misuse of the symbol can change the meaning of equations significantly.

Tilde Above a Variable

To indicate the median of a variable in statistics and probability, place a tilde above the variable. For example:

$\tilde{X}$ represents the median value of the variable X.  

This would produce:

Tilde above a variable

To place tildes above multiple variables:

$\widetilde{XYZ}$ represents the medians.


Tilde above multiple variables

The \widetilde command is preferable for multiple variables compared to \tilde which would place tildes incorrectly.

Tilde Below a Variable

To denote something as a vector quantity, place a tilde below it. For example:

$\underaccent{\tilde}{v}$ represents a vector quantity.


Tilde below a variable

The accents package provides the \underaccent command to place symbols under variables and numbers in LaTeX.

Tilde Between Variables

There are a few ways to place a tilde between variables to denote equivalence or similarity.

Using \sim:

$x \sim y$ means x and y are similar quantities.  


Simple tilde symbol between variables

For a thicker tilde:

$x \thicksim y$ means x and y are equivalent.


Thick tilde between variables

To denote that quantities are approximately equal, with a double tilde:

$x \approx y$ signifies x is approximately equal to y.


Double tilde between variables

And for a thicker, double tilde:

$x \thickapprox y$ means x approximately equals y.  


Thick double tilde between variables

So in summary, \sim and \thicksim denote similarity or equivalence between variables, while \approx and \thickapprox indicate approximate equality.

Common Issues and Troubleshooting

When using tilde symbols in LaTeX, here are some common errors to avoid:

1. Misaligned tildes above variables:


Misaligned tildes:

Misaligned tilde above variables

Use \widetilde{} instead to properly align tildes above multiple variables.

2. Escaping the tilde in text:

The ~ symbol indicates equivalence. (Doesn‘t compile)

To escape the tilde and prevent LaTeX interpreting it as math code, use: \textasciitilde

The \textasciitilde symbol indicates equivalence.  

3. Missing packages:

If you receive compilation errors using symbols like \thicksim, make sure to import the amsmath or amssymb packages.

When to Use Tilde Symbols

As highlighted earlier, it‘s vital to use the correct tilde variants in different contexts:

  • \tilde{x}, \widetilde{xyz}: For medians or typical values
  • \underaccent{\tilde}{x}: To denote vectors
  • \sim, \thicksim: To indicate equivalence
  • \approx, \thickapprox: For approximate equality

Misusing these symbols can substantially change the meaning of mathematical expressions. For example, using \approx instead of \sim implies two variables are approximately equal rather than just similar.


The tilde symbol has a variety of important roles when typesetting mathematical documents and expressions in LaTeX. This guide covered the main use cases and variants – including single and double tildes, thicker symbols, and proper alignment above/below variables. Ensure you import any required LaTeX packages and identify scenarios where using the wrong tilde would change an equation‘s meaning significantly. Let me know in the comments if you have any other tilde use cases I should cover!

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